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Letter from Roy Leon Stamp to Jack London, dated August 23, 1916.
Letter from Roy Leon Stamp to Jack London, dated August 13, 1914.
Letter from Roy Leon Stamp to Jack London, dated April 9, 1914.
Letter from Roy Leon Stamp to Jack London, dated April 2, 1913.
Letter from Roger Sprague to Jack London, dated July 20, 1915.
Letter from Owen De Spain, Forest Ranger to Frank Clark, January 19, 1953 about typing up his story of killing Old Ephraim.
Letter from Owen De Spain, Forest Ranger, to Frank Clark, February 12, 1953 about the rumors and stories around Clark's experience with Old Ephraim and requesting permission to publish Clark's account of the experience in the Logan Paper.
Letter from O.W. Israelsen to F.S. Harris, March 9, 1914, regarding potential prospects for a position in Department of Irrigation and Drainage.
Letter from Modeste Hannis Jordan, of the Writer's Bulletin, to Jack London, dated August 21, 1916.
Letter written from Marilyn Weiss to Karen Morse on "Utah State University Women's Intercollegiate Athletics" letterhead. The letter details the inequalities between men and women's athletics at USU including housing, food service, book loans, and…
Letter written from Marilyn Weiss to Karen Morse on "Utah State University Women's Intercollegiate Athletics" letterhead. The letter details the inequalities between men and women's athletics at USU including housing, food service, book loans, and…
Letter written from Marilyn Weiss to Karen Morse on "Utah State University Women's Intercollegiate Athletics" letterhead. The letter details the inequalities between men and women's athletics at USU including housing, food service, book loans, and…
Letter from Marie Gertrude Stephan to Jack London, dated November 26, 1906.
On June 7, 1944 Donald Marcellus wrote this letter to R.E. Titus, Vice President of both the Ogden Transit Company and the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad. Though this letter is specifically addressing the Ogden Transit Company, it is beneficial to view…
Letter from Lottie Belle Wylie to Jack London, undated
Letter from Lottie Belle Wylie to Jack London, December 28, 1915.
Letter from King Hendricks to Irving Shepard, dated April 2, 1963.
Letter from Karl Schumacher to Jack London, dated October 23, 1906.
Letter and supporting documentation addressed to Wallace G. Weiseborn of Harris Trust and Savings Bank in Chicago, Illinois, by John G. Carr, Treasurer of the Utah Cooperative Assocation regarding the Utah Cooperative Association and its wholly owned…
Letter from Joan London to Jack London, dated October 28, 1913.
Letter from Jack London to Anna Strunsky, dated August 25, 1902.
Letter to Jack London from J.S. Smith, dated August 3, 1910.
Letter from Irving Shepard to King Hendricks, dated April 9, 1963.
As the U.I.C. petitioned for bankruptcy, Bullen reached out to the Interstate Commerce Commission to support the protest of some Cache Valley citizens and companies against the petition. Bullen also asked the I.C.C. to consider the obligation of the…
Letter from Harry Ermann to Jack London, dated November 1, 1911
Letter from H.C. Tuck to Jack London, dated June 1, 1905
Letter from H.C. Tuck to Jack London, dated July 29, 1905
Letter fromH.A. McCarrie from the Young People's Socialist League to Jack London, dated March 16, 1916.
Letter from Carrie Sterling to Jack London, dated October 12, 1916.
Letter from Gordon Harry Sprague to Jack London, dated July 28, 1911.
Letter from Gordon Harry Sprague to Jack London, dated July 21, 1916.
Letter from Frank Clark to Owen De Spain, February 16, 1953 giving De Spain permission to publish Clark's story in the Logan paper. Handwritten.
The letter from the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints describing their stance on the Equal Rights Amendment
Annual report of the Extension Work, Agricultural Agent, Weber County, Utah by Melvin S. Burmingham, County Agricultural Extension Agent; Fay W. Boyer, Assistant County Agricultural Extension Agent; and Maud Martin, Home Demonstration Agent from…
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated May 15, 1914.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated March 4, 1904.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated January 6, 1909.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated January 5, 1909.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated February 12, 1904.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated December 20, 1913.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated August 5, 1910.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated August 19
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack London, dated around September 1911.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack and Charmian London, dated November 28, 1913.
Letter from Eliza Shepard to Jack and Charmian London, dated August 23, 1911.
Letter from Dottie to Jack London, dated January 29, 1914.
Letter from Daryl Chase to Irving Shepard, dated December 10, 1964.