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View of Congregation Brith Sholem before the 1989 fire which destroyed most of the interior.
Interview with Steve Smith conducted by Ande Clark on November 11, 1970 about the Witches Tree in Mendon, Utah and how it was created.
Imaam Muhammed Shoayb talks with Latter-day Saints at the Khadeeja Islamic Center about similarities between the two faiths.
Illustration by Stevan Dohanos for Saturday Evening Post cover on April 26, 1946
Letter to Jack London from Carrie Sterling, dated January 30 and February 5, 1915.
Stephenson's Warmlite Equipment catalog, front cover, undated
Stephenson's Warmlite Equipment catalog, front cover, undated
Protesters during a Patriots Day Free Speech Rally in Berkeley, Calif.
A Stephanie le gusta leer y también ella piensa que a todos se gustaría leer sí se encuentran el libro correcto.
Stephanie contesta la pregunta, "¿Tiene un poema preferido?"
Stephanie Alcantar describe cuando se sienta que sus poemas son terminados.
Stephanie describe un poco sobre el proceso de escribir un poema.
Stephanie describe el tema de su tésis. Quiere unir la literatura con las matemáticas.
Stephanie Alcantar habla sobre sus estudios de matemáticas.
Stephanie habla porque quiere tener un doctorado de literatura.
Letter from Marie Gertrude Stephan to Jack London, dated November 26, 1906.
Letter to Jack London from The Star Monthly, undated.
Photo of Jane Jacobs during her advocacy against the Washington Square Expressway. Mrs. Jane Jacobs, chairman of the Comm. to save the West Village holds up documentary evidence at press conference at Lions Head Restaurant at Hudson & Charles…
A reply letter to Virginia Hanson from Stanley Reynolds
Letter from Roy Leon Stamp to Jack London, dated July 24, 1913.
Letter from Roy Leon Stamp to Jack London, dated April 2, 1913.
Letter from Roy Leon Stamp to Jack London, dated August 13, 1914.