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This photograph should be compared to the modern breadline. It was taken around 1910, compared to the modern breadline, which was taken in 2011. There isn't that much of a difference, which shows how the times haven't changed as much as we thought…
Table depicting the acres in farm land in Cache County from 1974-2012.
Average size of farms in Cache County in acres since 1974. Data is taken from USDA Agricultural Censuses from 1974-2012.
This is a graph depicting agricultural farm input prices compared to output prices.
A line graph depicting the milk market trends over the last 30 years.
This is a graph depicting the acres of farm land in Cache County since 1964. The data comes from the USDA Agricultural Censuses from 1964-2012.
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, discusses what he sees as the advantages and disadvantages of being a larger farm.
This shows how land use has changed in Cache Valley between 1986 and 2015. You'll observe a noticeable trend away from farmland and toward urbanization.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he provides us his definition of what a family farm is as opposed to an industrial farm.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he provides us his definition of what a family farm is as opposed to an industrial farm.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked what difference, if any, there is between the environmental impact had by family farms and…
This is a pie chart showing a breakdown of where Cache County's 2009 federal farm subsidy money comes from. It shows that Milk and Dairy programs are the largest share of what we receive followed by direct payments, conservation program payments, and…
The graphic shows what proportion of federal dollars for commodity payments and conservation payments goes to each region of the country. The great basin and Utah receive an insignificant portion of federal subsidy money. The data used in the graphic…
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, discusses what he views as some of the greatest challenges facing the farm today and how they plan to deal with those challenges.
Clark Israelsen discusses the environmental impact of farming.
An FDA photo of someone doing tests presumably on food and its safety
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, discusses what he sees as the future of Oakdell Farms and how they plan to continue to grow.
The graphic shows how much federal money was spent on subsidies and is broken down by category. The most noticeable feature is the discontinuation of direct payments after 2014. The totals for 2015 and 2016 are forecasts because the graphic was…
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, explains how he refers to Oakdell Farms and whether they truly view themselves as an industrial farm or a large family farm.
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, explains how he became a co-owner of the company.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked how today's farmers can be successful despite the many challenges they face.
This is a segment of an interview with Ken White, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at USU. In this question, he is asked what impact changes in the structure of farming in Cache Valley have had on non-farmers.
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
A pie chart depicting agricultural land use in Cache County as of 2012.
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, before ending the interview added this statement about the efforts they go through to ensure they care for the environment and produce a safe product.
An audio clip of an interview with a family farm owner in Cache Valley.
A line graph depicting market changes in Cache Valley over the last 30 years,
A Massey-Harris ad from 1947 taken from McGraw-Hill's 1948 version of Farm Machinery and Equipment.
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, talks about what the farm means to him.
Cliff Lillywhite, co-owner of Oakdell Farms, discusses changes that have occurred in his company that aren't related to technology. He discusses ways they have tried to be more environmentally friendly and the introduction of specialty eggs.