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Merrill Library viewed from the Quad, 1968. Size of photograph: 1.75 x 2.5 in.
Merrill Library under construction for expansion, 1966. Shows the reconstruction of the 1930 building and its incorporation into the 1963 building. Size of photograph: 6 x 7.75 in.
Merrill Library under construction for expansion, 1966. Shows the reconstruction of the 1930 building and its incorporation into the 1963 building. Size of photograph: 5 x 3.75 in.
Merrill Library north main entrance, 1930s. Size of photograph: 7 x 5 in.
Merrill Library grafitti - "Jerome - patron saint of librarians and bookbinders" - drawing of elderly man holding a book and an angel amidst clouds
Merrill Library grafitti - In memoriam - "In memory of our dear friend Karlo, may he rest in peace and rise in glory"
Merrill Library grafitti - "Wanna Play?" - drawing of two boys labeled with the intials "SGE" and "LJA"
Merrill Library graffiti - various writings on a column
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of woman wearing headband
Merrill Library graffiti - "Library self destruct button" written on the wall with arrow pointing to the elevator call button
Merrill Library graffiti - "Question: If the closest we will ever come to an orderly universe is a good library, then is the farthest at a bad library?"
Merrill Library graffiti - "Moving sale employees 50% off buy 2 special collections workers and we'll throw in an archivist absolutely free"
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of a man wearing a necktie
Merrill Library graffiti - Man in black hat, red and white checkered shirt, standing next to an "Elko" sign
Merrill Library graffiti - Hand prints on the wall
Merrill Library graffiti - "Each day Becky had to decide whether to use her vast cataloging powers Good or Evil"
Merrill Library graffiti - Employee pictures posted on wall
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of a man wearing red hat
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of dog with caption "woof, I say woof!"
Merrill Library graffiti - "Thanks Otis" written on the wall above an elevator
Merrill Library graffiti - "Soylent green is people"
Merrill Library graffiti - "Nevermore"
Merrill Library graffiti - "Furthermore?" - drawing of bird with caption
Merrill Library graffiti - "Fife Folklore Archives"
Merrill Library graffiti - drawing of man looking across the quad at Old Main sitting at the Merrill library - "Farewell A.J."
Merrill Library graffiti - "Everwood"
Merrill Library graffiti - "Everclear" - drawing of two birds and a worm with captions
Merrill Library and students on the Quad viewed from upper floors of the Geology building, 1967. Size of photograph: 4.5 x 7 in.