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Picture of women in front of the Morvian Church from the Moravian Women's Cookbook.
Moore's Lake, Utah. American Scenery. Photographer, Andrew Joseph Russell
Moores Lake, Great Amphitheater, head of Bear River, Union Pacific Rail Road Views, Across the Continent West from Omaha. Photographer, Andrew Joseph Russell
Moonstone catalog, front cover, undated
Moonstone catalog, front cover, undated
Book cover, inscription, and title pages of Moon-Face : And Other Stories by Jack London. Published by Macmillan Company in 1906, this book is a first edition copy composed of v, 273 pages and is 20 cm. tall. It is inscribed to Charmian London and…
Monumental highway sign carved into rock. Lee's ferry 5 miles. Near Tuba City.
Automobile being towed by horse drawn wagon in Monument Valley. Two unidentified men, presumably William Hopkins or Dolph Andrus or L.W. Clement.