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A political cartoon of Joseph Stalin admiring the work of his "favorite chef", named Political Unrest, on two boiling pots, labeled Iran and Egypt
Paper written by students of HIST 3005, detailing the history of Title IX, the sport of volleyball, and the development of the sport at USU in the 1970's.
Video created by the Spring 2022 HIST 3005 class to highligh their work documenting the 1978 volleyball championchip and the effect of Title IX on the volleyball program at USU, featuring clips form the oral histories from Annette Cottle, Lauren…
Access student-created exhibits (
Vintage Photography, Duck hunting, 1960s, outdoors, wetlands, family recreation
The front cover of Joannes Carolus Erlenwein's frienshipbook that he kept while a student at a seminary in Fulda, Germany.
Advice Literature provided diagrams to help individuals find potential marital spouses.
Guidance was given to young men and young women about the importance of looking attractive at all times because you never know who might be watching! Potential friends and significant others were always "just around the corner."
Canning guide found in Finer Canned & Frozen Fruits created by Karo Syrup brand.
Accessories and instructions for freezing food from post-war America.
A page out of the Chiquita Banana cookbook with a recipe for ham banana rolls.
The cover photo from the Knox Gelatine Eat and Reduce Plan Recipe Book
Photo from Knox's On Camera Recipe Book featuring gelatin served in a fish-shaped mold.
Garden Patch Salad Recipe from Knox's On-Camera Recipe Book.
Recipe for French and Cooking Salad Dressings. Includes Maggi's Seasoning.
an advertisement for 1965 Al's sporting goods welcoming in their intended customers
an article accounting the drastic change in transportation methods used by tourists to get to national parks
National parks, vintage, grand canyon, poster, tourism, USA