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Clinton Lichty and Carl Jensen of Logan harvest a bed of cannas in front of Old Main, 1950s. Size of photograph: 10 x 8 in.
Hunting in Monument Valley. Coyotes hanging. Wood haulers camp. On left in front of horses: Dr. W. H. Hopkins. By wagon wheel: Dolph Andrus. Holding rifle: H. Stanley Hinnricks. Standing by tent: Perry Clark. Squatting by tent: Osro Hunt, owner of…
Black and white image of a horse and cart team hauling rock for the foundation of Logan Sugar Factory, 1900.
Page 17 of the Haven of Health. Book about health practices in the renaissance.
The Haven of Health page 53. A renaissance book by Thomas Cogan on the health practices during his time.
Photograph of a Homecoming parade float decorated with a Hawaiian theme with several women in matching costume.
Interview with Hazel Sorensen where she talks about her famous peanut brittle. Excerpt from full audio interview.
Interview with Hazel Sorensen talks about May Day and Christmas as the best days of the year. Excerpt from full audio interview.
These posters come from the "Unite Against the War' an exhibition of Anti War Posters created by various California artists at UC Berkley. The artists did not sign their work, wishing to remain anonymous and be a part of a larger movement.
Head wrangler William Dunn makes announcement to guests about the following day's all-day horseback ride.
Shigeo Shibata headstone in the POW corner of the Fort Douglas Cemetery in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This letter was written to Gustav Becker by Heber J. Grant, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, discusses prohibition and praises Gus for his new line of beverages.
A portrait of Heber J. Grant taken by Heber H. Thomas c. 1920. Print taken from original nitrate negative.
Mr. Hector Hernandez discusses his move to the United States from Mexico when he was nine years old, and how he adjusted to learning a new language and culture. He talks about his daily life as a teen in Cache Valley, as well as his goals for himself…
Dr. Héctor Mendiola talks about his life and family in Mexico, medical studies, his work as a physician and teacher, his move to Utah in 1993, his current job, and work at Logan High School and his participation as a leader in the Utah State…
Heitz, A. P. Holland Furnace CO. Preston, Idaho. regarding his occupancy of St. John's house and quest for employment
This photograph shows Helen Becker, Gustav and Thekla Becker's youngest child, playing with several puppies.
This photograph is of Helen Becker, Gustav and Thekla's youngest child. Helen Becker was born September 19, 1908.
Helen Keller is standing by the bedside of a veteran who is holding a guitar. Another veteran, with an eye patch stands to Helen’s right. She has her right arm linked through his left, circa 1946.
Two unidentified men, probably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, with the Maxwell automobile at Hell's Backbone Bridge.
table display of Hello Kitty kitchen and bath products: hotplates, crock pots, shower heads, curling irons, etc.
Helly Hansen catalog, front cover, Spring/Summer 2019
Portrait of Henri Christophe, king of northern Haiti after the Haitian Revolution from France.
Henri Estienne helped in the editing and publishing of this Horace commentary, these are his notes on the work of Horace
Washington, D.C., December 6th Henry Alsberg defended the Federal Writers’ Project in front of the House Committee Investigating Un-American Activates.
Henry Hughes home. Information found in the book "In the Shade of the Mountains: Histories of Mendon and Petersboro", page 147 no. 21.
Henry Hughes home - back view. Information found in the book "In the Shade of the Mountains: Histories of Mendon & Petersboro", page 147 no. 21.
Henry Jensen home, Mendon, Utah. Photograph probably taken between 1930 and 1960. Information card accompanying photograph identifies this as a photograph taken by Mendon school teacher Jennie Richards.
A photograph of Henry King playing catch originally published in a 1966 football game program.
Mezzotint of Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch with his dog
Henry VIII and his six wives at the Hatch Room Gala in the USU Taggart Student Center, Logan, Utah. In the photo (left to right) Catalogers: Marcia Cheney, Becky Skeen, ILS worker: Jennifer, Photo Archivist Dan Davis, Catalogers: Tonya Sorenson,…
No wonder our social structure is collapsing
To the editor:
After reading the article on the 30-plus teen-agers that had trespassed on private property in Logan Canyon, we felt compelled to present our view of a hitherto unspoken portion of this…
To the editor:
After reading the article on the 30-plus teen-agers that had trespassed on private property in Logan Canyon, we felt compelled to present our view of a hitherto unspoken portion of this…