
A view of a moderate sized wooden camel bell, with the lip and clapper parts visible, made of acacia, acquired at a camel market in Hargesia, Somalia - taken off a camel being sold for slaughter. The collar is made from inner bark of on acacia tree.…
A close up view of a small bell made of acacia wood, acquired from nomads south of Galcaio, Somalia - in excellent condition, with a five string plait collar of inner-bark strings.
A close up view of a camel bell collar, made from the inner-bark strings of desert trees.
A close up view of the lip and clapper parts of a moderate sized wooden camel bell, made of acacia, acquired at a camel market in Hargesia, Somalia - taken off a camel being sold for slaughter. The collar is made from inner bark of an acacia tree. …
A close up view of a small bell made of acacia wood, acquired from nomads south of Galcaio, Somalia - in excellent condition, with a five string plait collar of inner-bark strings.
A close up view of a small bell made of acacia wood, acquired from nomads south of Galcaio, Somalia - in excellent condition, with a five string plait collar of inner-bark strings.
View of two Somali camel bells laying in the sand Bell on Left: A small bell made of acacia wood, acquired from nomads south of Galcaio, Somalia - in excellent condition, with a five string plait collar of inner-bark strings. Bell on right: A…
View of items in the in the Modern Bell display case at the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of items in the in the Modern Bell display case at the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
Modern bells poster from the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land, held at the Merrill-Cazier Library October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of items in the North America display case at the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of items in the North America display case at the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of the North America section of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of a display case from the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land, held at the Merrill-Cazier Library October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of items in the in the European Bell display case at the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
Visitor viewing the Europe section of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
A close up view of items in a glass case, used in the Australia section of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of items in in the display case featuring Australia, as part of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of the Australia section of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of items in a glass display case, used in the Africa section of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
View of the Africa section of the Bells: Connecting Animals, People and Land Exhibit held at the Merrill-Cazier Library, October 28, 2009 through January 22, 2010.
Joseph Campbell Resize.jpg
Photograph of Joseph Campbell, first president of the Providence Water Works Company.
Godfrey Fuhriman.jpg
Photograph of Godfrey Fuhriman, first president of the Providence-Blacksmith Fork Irrigation Company.
Joseph Alastor Smith Sr. Resize.jpg
Photograph of Joseph Alastor Smith Sr., first president of the Spring Creek Water Company.
DNO-0053_Herman Kuchler and 2 Native Americans in front of Kuchler store 1910 - UHS.jpg
Image of Herman Kuchler, son of original store owner Isaak Kuchler who dided in 1897, standing in front of the Kuchler I and Sons Cigar Store located in Broom Hotel on 25th Street in Ogden, Utah, taken 1910.
Beggar families at an unfinished jail in Tabriz, Iran
Muslim women gathered around the Mosque of the Shah in Isfahan
Article about agricultural progress in Iran
Headshot of Seraph Young.
A photo of President Chase and Dean Greaves
1978 Women's Volleyball Team. Pictured: Front Row (L-R): Katrinka Crawford, Jill Hirschinger, Sheryl Meyer, Deia Kidd, Back Row (L-R): Drora Epstein, Gayle Adamowicz, Jo Ellen Vrazel, Sandy Lynn, Lucia Chudy, Annette Cottle, Jan Corley.
Agricultural College of Utah Women's Basketball Team, 1909
Adonna Watkins sitting at a piano.
Michelle Henrie, first female student body president.
Nominees for Woman of the Year as part of the Robins Awards: sitting, Peggy Menlove and Chris Rigby; standing, Karen Allen, Marty Hibbard and Joan Rasmuson.
May Swenson.
Angel Flight group posing on the steps of the Student Union Building.
Angel Flight members marching in a parade on Main Street in Logan.
Sponsor Corps posing with their rifles on the Quad, 1950s.
Young women being inducted into the ROTC Auxiliary, the Sponsor Corps.
Women gathered for a SPURS meeting, 1940s.
The Periwig Club, a theater group, posed for a photo, 1919.
Aggiettes posing for a photo, 1957.
Women gathered together for the Sorosis Literary Society, 1900.
This map, titled: "New Map of Great Tokyo and Yokohama" highlights the U.S.A.A.F's possible aerial bombardment targets in Tokyo during World War II.
This is an excerpt from "Asia's Captive Colonies" which was a pamphlet that was widely available in World War II. This particular excerpt discusses the Philippines, which before World War II was a U.S. territory. "The Philippines in Transition"…
Arial view of Tanforan
Map containing the location of the Tanforan Assembly Center.
Japanese Americans working in a strawberry patch, caption reads: "In the strawberry patch, Wada, founder of colony, talks things over with the superintendent of a neighboring mine.
A guard on watch duty at Tanforan Assembly Center.
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