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Photograph of past bishops of the Mendon Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1940's or 1950's. Includes (top row, left to right) Reeves Bird, Edgar Hancock, and Allen Willie, (bottom row, left to right) Henry C. (H.C.) Sorensen, John…
Photograph of past bishops of the Mendon Ward, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1970's. Includes (top row, left to right) Zeno H. Andersen, Fred W. Sorensen, and Stan S. Barrett, (bottom row, left to right) John O. Hughes, and Rulen C.…
A small photo center in Westwood that caters to Iranian customers. The large farsi sign reads: (in large font) passport photo, (in small font) visa photo, green card photo, citizenship photo. T The small sign to the left advertises immigration…
Unidentified passenger, presumably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, riding on the outside the Maxwell automobile alongside the San Juan River, near Bluff, Utah.
A group photograph of the participants in the Old and New Alumni Program at Homecoming 1953.
Partially constructed BARN section of the Merrill-Cazier Library, view from second floor, facing Southwest
Partially constructed BARN section of the Merrill-Cazier Library, including framework
A view of a moderate sized wooden camel bell, with the lip and clapper parts visible, made of acacia, acquired at a camel market in Hargesia, Somalia - taken off a camel being sold for slaughter. The collar is made from inner bark of an acacia tree.
Part of Inspection Report on the Cache National Forest, March 3, 1909.
Pars book and publishing window in Westwood, next to Star Gallery an Iranian store/gift shop that sells gold, silver, crystals, rugs, and antiques. The bookstore has a number of other services listed on the window in both Farsi and English, including…
Pars book and publishing window at Westwood. Two books with photos of the former Shah and queen are among the Farsi poetry books and novles on display.
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First time filmmaker Dee Rees delivers a stunningly effective portrait of a young Brooklyn girl whose conservative black family cause her to bury her emerging sexual identity as a lesbian. A harrowing…
First time filmmaker Dee Rees delivers a stunningly effective portrait of a young Brooklyn girl whose conservative black family cause her to bury her emerging sexual identity as a lesbian. A harrowing…
Community response demands accountability for teenagers trespassing at St. Anne's
Photograph of paratroopers just before they took off for the initial assault of D-Day
Item 20 consists of a personal narrative from an individual who went up to St. Anne's retreat in Logan Canyon.
This map outlines the four proposed testing sites in Paradox, as well as their proximity to features of the landscape.
This is a map outlining the extent of the Paradox Basin region proposed by the DOE as a nuclear repository.
A view of the Bushnell parade grounds from the administration building
Panoramic view, from the East, of the exterior of the Merrill-Cazier Library
Here is a rich agroforestry agricultural landscape with bananas dominating. The Umba River flows through the lower left of the image. There's an irrigation offtake visible just above the large bank of rock. This image was edited for enhanced viewing…
The photograph shows the Hohenfriedberg Church, administrative and residential buildings. Of particular note here are the luch banana plantation on the upper left half of the image. This image was edited for enhanced viewing purposes by Shay Larsen,…
The image depicts Ararat, a village associated Mlalo's Lutheran Mission called Hohenfriedberg. The photograph is on the far right of the panorama showing the Mission buildings and the agricultural landscape. This image was edited for enhanced viewing…
Right half of the panorama that goes with DNO-0163_Bild105-DOA0251. This image shows the Bumbuli Kaya sometime between 1910 and 1914. This image was edited for enhanced viewing purposes by Shay Larsen, USU Libraries Graphic Designer.
Left half of the panorama that goes with DNO-0163_Bild105-DOA0252. This image shows the Lutheran mission at Bumbuli sometime between 1910 and 1914. This image was edited for enhanced viewing purposes by Shay Larsen, USU Libraries Graphic Designer.
A panorama view of Main Street in Logan in 1920 from First North to First South, looking Northwest. A U.I.C. train can be seen in the center of the photo. The Logan Tabernacle can be seen on the right, the Thatcher Bros. Bank is in the center-left,…
Pamphlets advertising courses available through the International Irrigation Center at Utah State University for 1984. Pamphlets are printed in English and Spanish.
Pamphlets advertising courses available through the International Irrigation Center at Utah State University for 1983. Pamphlets are printed in English and Spanish.
Pamphlets advertising courses available through the International Irrigation Center at Utah State University for 1981. Pamphlets are printed in English and Spanish.
Pamphlets advertising courses available through the International Irrigation Center at Utah State University for 1980 and 1982. Pamphlets are printed in English and Spanish.
Pamphlets and flyers in IMAN (Iranian-American Muslim Association of North America).