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On June 25, 1912 the Logan Republican reported an article titled "Interurban Well Under Way Eccles People Going Right Ahead" in response to rumors that the L.R.T. expansion project had stalled. This article reports the reach of the lines to that…
The merger of the O.R.T. and L.R.T. sparked excitement in Cache Valley and was reported by the Logan Republican in this article on February 27, 1913. The article states that the operation of the first trains for this line was expected by the end of…
By May 17, 1913 work was being rushed by the Eccles Corporation to complete the expansion of the interurban lines to Providence by the following week. The Logan Republican reported that the first cars would be able to run the following week and that…
On May 20, 1913 the Logan Republican printed this article noting the completion of the Logan Rapid Transit Company lines to Providence. As a result, the community of Providence planned a celebration that evening for everyone in the surrounding…
The Logan Republican reported on October 17, 1914 that the lines of the Ogden Rapid Transit Company and the Logan Rapid Transit Company would be consolidated into the Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Company. At this point, the proposed route for…
Following the consolidation of the Rapid Transit Companies and the construction of the O.L.I. lines, the O.L.I. management announced that they would extend the lines to Preston, Idaho. In Preston there would be a high quality depot and repair shop…
As late as February 6, 1915, the directors of the Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Company finally settled on the route for the rail line between Ogden and Logan. After deliberation, the Logan Republican reported that the directors had decided on the…
On October 12, 1915 it was reported by the Logan Republican that the O.L.I. had purchased a large area of land on South Main Street for the purpose of constructing a freight depot and rail yards for the maintenance and operation of the new Ogden,…
The Logan Republican printed a photo and description of the new Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Company’s station in Logan on September 5, 1916. The building was noted for its architecture and quality. It also housed a number of businesses in its…
This December 19, 1916 article from the Logan Republican reports on the expansion and opportunities granted to northern Utah, Cache Valley, and the Ogden area by the Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Company and its developments. Comments are made about…
As business increased and became a higher demand, the Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Company purchased additional railroad engines and cars to better meet the demand. The Logan Republican reported on November 8, 1917 that new electric locomotive…
To provide better service for customers, the O.L.I. implemented new heated railroad car technology to increase the quality of freight services provided by the railway company. The Logan Republican printed this article on December 11, 1917 to report…
The Logan Republican reported on December 18, 1917 that the name of the Ogden, Logan and Idaho Railway Company would change as January 1, 1918 to the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Company. It is reported that freight revenue losses due to the…
By mid 1919, the U.I.C. had reached a poor financial situation with a large revenue deficit that was affecting operation and maintenance of the railway. The Logan Republican reported on April 29, 1919 of the amount of the deficit, the assets of the…
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Cache County Aviation Carnival." The article discusses plans made for Cache Valley's first aviation carnival.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Wicked Winds Spoil Flying." The article discusses the failed Cache County aviation carnival.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Aggies Ready to Meet the Foe." The article is about the upcoming football game between UAC and the University of Utah that will include an aeroplane flyover.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Lieu. Maroney Gives Daredevil Flight." The article described an exhibition flight by Lieutenant Terah Maroney over Cache Valley.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Aeroplane Exhibition at Cache County Fair." The article describes the aviation performances and opportunities at the 1920 Cache Valley Fair.
Rotarians and college Rotoractors work to construct a home for a family in Agua Prieta, Mexico.
Rotarians and college Rotaractors work to construct a home for a family in Agua Prieta, Mexico.
Logan Rotarians prepare a meal at one of their summer socials up Logan Canyon.
Every year Rotarians gather to celebrate the summer with an annual Golf and Ribs Day. The Jarvis family developed a recipe for ribs that is famous among the Rotarians of Logan. Here Rotarians remove the racks from their Chinese Smoker.
Every year Rotarians gather to celebrate the summer with an annual Golf and Ribs Day. The Jarvis family developed a recipe for the ribs that today, is famous among the Rotarians of Logan.
Rotarian Ron Monson prepares to ride Lotoja to raise funds to purchase dictionaries for the Logan Rotary project.
Rotarians stand near a water purification tower constructed with assistance from the Rotary Club of Iquitos, Peru and Brigham City and Millcreek, Utah.
Rotarians gather to place Rotary stickers in the dictionaries that the club provides to every 3rd grader in Cache and Rich counties.
The Logan Rotary club, in partnership with the Rotary Clubs of Millcreek and Brigham City, Utah and Iquitos, Peru worked to construct a walkway for a village in Peru.
A 1928 copy of the Logan Rotary club's by-laws and constitution.
An invitation to the wives of Rotary club members, also known as Rotary Anns, to the club's annual Christmas Party.
This financial report shows the incomes, expenses, and cash on hand for the Logan Rotary club during the 1951-1952 fiscal year.
This except details the first Canyon Cleanup performed by Rotary. Since 1991, Rotary cleans up a stretch of the scenic Logan Canyon twice a year.
The Logan Rotary club's 1950-51 membership roster. Rotary International divides the world's clubs into various districts lead by district governors. Utah's clubs have been in the 5th and 165th district.