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Army aviator Russell Maughan of Cache Valley poses in front of an aircraft with a UAC banner.
A Western Air Lines Convair CV-240 at the Logan-Cache Airport.
A view of the Logan-Cache Airport terminal and control tower looking west.
A view of the Logan-Cache Airport terminal and control tower looking northeast.
Image of the control tower at the Logan-Cache Airport. The tower was constructed in 1942.
Aerial view of the Logan-Cache Airport looking northwest.
An aerial view of the Utah State Agricultural College (USAC) campus looking east at Old Main, the Quad, and surrounding college buildings.
USAC students working in a large mechanics lab with a number of different engine types.
Two female students work on the engine of a Piper Cub airplane.
Cache Valley Flying Service CPTP students climb onto a bus at the Logan-Cache Airport.
Two members of the Cache Valley Flying Service sit at desks in one of the buildings at the Logan-Cache Airport.
Cache Valley Flying Service CPTP students stand in front of their Piper Cub training aircraft at the Logan-Cache Airport.
Two images of early aircraft in Cache Valley. The top image is an unidentified aircraft. The bottom image shows men preparing Floyd D. Hansen's Eagle Rock biplane for flight.
Photograph of Floyd D. Hansen, his wife Meda, and son Keith in front of Hansen's Eagle Rock biplane.
A US Navy training aircraft sits on the Quad in front of Old Main.
Aerial photograph that covers from Green Canyon to Logan Canyon. Includes the USU campus and the Hillcrest Airport.
A group of four 318th Combat Training detachment (CTD) officers look at a visiting aircraft at the Logan-Cache Airport.
A picture of the Airplane Service Station located on 400 North in Logan, Utah.
A layout sheet depicting proposed grading and surfacing work at the Logan-Cache Airport.
A layout sheet depicting the expansion of the Logan-Cache Airport during World War II.
Drainage plans for the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) expansion at the Logan-Cache Airport.
An article from the Salt Lake Telegram titled "Aviation Walker Meets with Mishap." The article discusses the difficulties experienced by Clarence Walker during his attempted flights at the Cache County aviation carnival.
An article in the North Cache News titled "Hyrum Welcomes Tokyo Raider" from September 14, 1945. The article explains the story of Army aviator Chase Jay Nielsen and plans for the intended celebration upon his return to Hyrum, his hometown.
An article from North Cache News discussing the newly opened Hillcrest Airpark on College Hill.
An article in the North Cache News titled "Air Corps Ends Training at USAC" from May 26, 1944. The article announced the federal government's decision to end Air Corps training through universities.
An article in the North Cache News titled "Officials See Bright Future for Logan-Cache Airport" from October 29, 1943. The article described the future growth of the Logan-Cache Airport, including the construction of a new, large hangar.
An article from the North Cache News titled "Logan Airport Dedicated at Colorful Ceremonies" from November 13, 1942. The article detailed the dedication and events of the Logan-Cache Airport.
An article from the North Cache News titled "Cache Flying Service Receives Praise" from November 13, 1942. The article announced praise for the Cache Valley Flying service as they pass another class of aviation cadets.
An article from the North Cache News titled "Work Begins on Airport Tower" from August 7, 1942. The article discussed construction of the new control tower at Logan-Cache Airport and other ongoing CAA projects.
An article from the North Cache News titled "USAC Recognized as Aircraft Training Center" from February 6, 1942. The article announced that USAC has been recognized as an aviation training center.
An article from the North Cache News titled "Logan-Cache Airport Job Begins This Week" from January 30, 1942. The article detailed the beginning of construction on the airport.
An article from the North Cache News titled "Court Grants Airport 173.81 Acres of Land" from August 29, 1941. The article is about how the airport is obtaining more land for ongoing projects and to expand the airport for training purposes.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Aeroplane Exhibition at Cache County Fair." The article describes the aviation performances and opportunities at the 1920 Cache Valley Fair.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Lieu. Maroney Gives Daredevil Flight." The article described an exhibition flight by Lieutenant Terah Maroney over Cache Valley.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Aggies Ready to Meet the Foe." The article is about the upcoming football game between UAC and the University of Utah that will include an aeroplane flyover.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Wicked Winds Spoil Flying." The article discusses the failed Cache County aviation carnival.
An article from the Logan Republican titled "Cache County Aviation Carnival." The article discusses plans made for Cache Valley's first aviation carnival.