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A series of illustrations showing different farm fallout shelter designs
Farm Machine class, March 1944. Pictured is: (left to right) [unnamed], Claud Sorensen, Jess Walker, L.K. Wood, [unnamed], [unnamed], and [unnamed].
Lecure on lawn west of Mechanic Arts. Old Main building can be seen in the background. Size of photograph: 7.5 x 9.5 in.;
Display in museum, second floor, North Wing, Old Main, ca. 1919. Size of photograph: 8 x 10 in.;
Campus view of Farmer's Encampment east of Quad. Size of photograph: 7 x 9 in.;
Rows of tents at farmer encampment, ca. 1923. Size of photograph: 6 x 9.5 in.;
Program for the 1912 Farmer's Special Industrial Train of the Utah Agricultural College. "Enroute by way of The Denver & Rio Grande Railroad," February 20-March 12, 1912.
Program of the Farmer's Industrial and Educational Special Train, February 18 to March 13, 1913.
Program for Farmers' Institute for Sanpete County, April 11 and 12, 1905.
Program for Farmer's Round-up and Housekeeper's Conference held in Logan, Cache Valley, Utah from January 18 to 30, 1915. Subjects discussed were stock raising, range and farm fattening, hog raising, horse breeding, poultry production, the sheep and…
Photo looking west through row of tents toward Old Main, circa 1923. Size of photograph: 5.5 x 9.5 in.;
Farmers Mill and Elevator built in accordance with extension service efforts
Program for Farmers' Institute for Richfield, February 3-7, 1908.
Program for Farmers' Institute for Nephi, Dec.ember 14 and 15, 1906.
Farmers' and Homemakers' Encampment advertisement for domestic science classes, ca. 1907.;
Program for Farmers' Institute for Weber County, December 30-31, 1907 and January 1-3, 1908.
Farmhouse scene, probably Brigham City, Utah, or surrounding area. Stone house at left-center, people on the porch and standing at the gate, American flags in the windows; also people in buggies and wagons
Farming and Hunting: Stories from the Jensen Living Historical Farm. Compiled in 1991. Contains: "Encounters with Grizzlies;" The Great Varmint Hunt;" "Old Ephraim-the last grizzly bear in Logan Canyon" by Nora Dunne Slauson; 1917 "Fishing in…
Father Jay and son Jack Lyons blowing a shofar, an ancient instrument usually formed from a ram’s horn, in recognition of the start of Rosh Hashanah, 1970s.
Favorable Report on the Proposed Topaz Addition to Bear River Forest Reserve Idaho