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Program for Brigham Young College 46th annual commencement ceremonies on Sunday, June 1st, 1924 at the Logan Tabernacle. Includes list of graduates.
Brigham Young College Bulletin, Alumni Numbers, December 1924
Program for the Religion class district convention of the Hyrum, Cache, and Benson Stakes to be held Saturday and Sunday Oct. 13 and 14, 1906
Second Annual Picture Exhibition at Brigham Young College - Mechanic Arts Building - Feb. 17, to March 7, 1908
Brigham Young College Term Examinations -Sub-Academic Reading - Three Hours June, 1900
Pamphlet - A Trip to Logan would be Incomplete without visiting the Brigham Young College Logan's Oldest Institution of Higher Learning. All M. and M. Excursionists with their friends will be made welcome at any time during the day
Forty-first Commencement Program, Thursday May 29, 1919
Invitation to the B.Y.C. Forty-First Annual Commencement, May 26 to 29, 1919
B.Y.C. Circular - Ninth Collegiate Year, 1886-1887
Brigham Young College Bulletin - Normal School and General High School Departments - AnNouncements for 1911-1912
Letter from A.C. Matheson regarding Avard Fairbanks
Striving in Man - by William Henry Chamberlain, Professor of Theology, died May 1921
Brigham Young College quarterly bulletin, September 1910, Vol. 9, No. 2