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Interior, people at work in a mattress-making center; One of our Mattress Making Centers
Mrs Olsen who a home demonstration agent referred to when saying "Through cooperation our rural and farm people shall rule the nation."
Before-and-after photos showing remodeling work done for the kitchen contest
Extension work focused on both improving farming and land management as well as helping wives improve their homes.
Home Management leaders gathered at Richmond for instruction and training.
Mrs. Albert B. Barton, Kaysville, Relief Society President, and her husband who is a Davis County Commissioner, cooperated with the Agricultural and Home Demonstration Agents in making the home garden project the type that could be used for County…
A closeup view of the debris which passed over the Canal and which was in part removed from the Canal in restoring service in the Canal System. It is understood that the farmers were without water for a period of two weeks on account of this flood.