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Two unidentified men laughing while hunting in Monument Valley. Envelope 15.
Unidentified men pushing and two horses pulling Maxwell automobile up a hill.
Unidentified man pulling Maxwell automobile up the hill using a crank.
Top photo: Burros and camera. Bottom photo: Probably L.W. Clement next to packed burro. Torma Andrus with either Irene Andrus or Jennie Clement in the foreground.
Probably H. Stanley Hinnricks and Dolph Andrus in the Maxwell, monuments of Monument Valley seen in background. Could also be William H. Hopkins with Dolph Andrus. See also P0542 Box 1 Folder 03 Photo 19.
Indian pottery and rugs on display outside Spencer's Trading post.
An unidentified man pushes the Maxwell automobile while a horse pulls from the front, Dixie, Utah. Envelope 7.
Maxwell automobile stuck in mud, probably near Zion National Park. Envelope A.
Four unidentified people in front of trees gathering blossoms. Kaibab. Kanab. Houserock. Envelope 41.
Photocopy of Dr. Hopkins holding the chisel next to Monumental Highway carving.
Horses, one with unidentified rider, pulling the Maxwell automobile through sage brush, near Monument Valley, Bluff, Comb Ridge. Envelope 11.
Probably H. Stanley Hinnricks and Dolph Andrus in Maxwell automobile, Monument Valley. Could also be William H. Hopkins with Dolph Andrus. Envelope 17. See also P0542 Box 1 Folder 02 Photo 15.
Unidentified man standing with camera next to Maxwell automobile. Monuments of Monument Valley in the background. Near Bluff. Envelope 11.
Man riding on the outside of Maxwell automobile, overlooking San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Man on horseback pulling the Maxwell automobile. Kaibab. Kanab. House Rock. Envelope 41.
Maxwell automobile probably on Comb Ridge. Monument Valley, Bluff. Envelope 11.
"Leaving Augusta." See page 69. Page numbers refer to Andrus's personal history. No burros.
Unidentified man, presumably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, crouched next to the Maxwell automobile by rocks near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Two horses pulling the Maxwell automobile. Unidentified rider and driver. Monument Valley, near Bluff.
Dolph, Irene and Torma Andrus, and Jennie Clement next to five burros and their backs.
Maxwell automobile on the road, Dixie. Unidentified man leaning on automobile pointing at the rock with "ZCMI" inscribed. Envelope 7.
Landscape scenic view of Monument Valley buttes. Appears to be from the opposite side of 1-08-11.
L.W. Clement with the motion picture camera. Irene Andrus on horseback. See page 83 of Andrus's personal history.
Torma Andrus at the wheel of her first car, 1917 Maxwell in Bluff, Utah.
Two unidentified men, one on horseback, near the Maxwell automobile, Monument Valley in the background.
Looking up at the Maxwell automobile being pulled up a hill by wagon and horses in Monument Valley, near Bluff. Envelope 11.
Unidentified man standing in sagebrush next to the Maxwell automobile, near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Unidentified man, presumably Dolph Andrus or L.W. Clement, posing with what looks like Native American artifacts.
Hunting in Monument Valley. Automobile and horses pictured. Envelope 15.
Automobile being towed by horse drawn wagon in Monument Valley. Two unidentified men, presumably William Hopkins or Dolph Andrus or L.W. Clement.
Unidentified man, probably Dolph Andrus, checking the front of the Maxwell automobile on the road near Tuba City. Envelope 24.