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This is a letter of recommendation for Gustav Becker written by A.P. Bigelow of the Ogden State Bank. The letter describes the quality characteristic of Gustav Becker. Before credit checks, letters of recommendation were esscential for securing…
Salt Lake City, Utah. View of Salt Lake City including the Lion and Beehive Houses. Photographed by American Scenery
Pulpit Rock, Echo Canyon, Utah. Photographed by American Views, New Series
Walker Opera House, Salt Lake City, Utah. Photographed by American Views
No. 7140. American Views. Pulpit Rock, Echo Canyon. Union Pacific Rail Road. Photographed by American Views
In 1895 the Becker Brewing and Malting Company received the rights to be a Utah distributor for Anheuser-Busch products. This brochure outlines a brief history of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association and then describes why their beer products are…
This letter, from the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association to the Becker Brewing and Malting Company, outlines the agreed upon terms of business between the two companies. In 1895 the Becker Brewing and Malting Company acquired the rights to be the…
No. 1933. Johnson's Ranch, Southern Utah. The future strong hold of the Saints. Photographed by E.O. Beaman
No. 1905. View of Me-Shong-An-Avah. Views in the Canons of the Colorado River and among the Aztec Cities of Arizona. Showing houses three and four stories high. This town is built above the valley some 1200 feet. Its inhabitants number about 350.…
No. 1928. Aztecs on the Moincoppee[sic]. Corn fields in distance. Photographed by E.O. Beaman, formerly of Powell's Col. River Exploring Expedition
No. 1901. Mormon Tabernacle, Salt Lake City. Foundation of Temple in foreground. Photographed by E.O. Beaman, formerly of Powell's Col. River Exploring Expedition
No. 1908. Distant View of Monqui. Showing sheep-pens in foreground under the cliff. In the distance is the valley, in which they herd their sheep and raise a very inferior quality of corn. Photographed by E.O. Beaman
No. 1907. The Outer Walls of Moqui. Showing entrance to Kevah[sic] and ladders by which the people ascend to their houses. Views in the Canons of the Colorado River and among the Aztec Cities of Arizona. Photographed by E.O. Beaman
A blank page of checks from the Becker Brewing and Malting Company for the years 1900 to 1909.
This financial document lists the 1892 assets and liabilities of the Becker Brewing and Malting Company of Ogden.
This financial document lists the assets and liabilities of The Becker Brewing and Malting Company as of June 1, 1893.
This is a rare bottle label for a beverage produced at the Becker Brewing and Malting Company plant located in Evanston, Wyoming. The Wyoming factory only produced beer with this label from 1917 to 1919.
This is a bottle label for The Becker Brewing and Malting Company's brand of seasonal Bock Beer.
This advertisement features the prices for cases of Becker's Beer or "Near Beer." It also explains the rebate policy for returning empty bottles.
This post card advertisement markets Becker's Best beer as a healthful beverage that helped the little girl's mother recover from her illness.
A colored advertisement for Becker's Best Beer featuring an elderly couple and a young man.
This advertisement features a family enjoying a bottle of Becker's Best beer by their fireplace.
This is a magazine advertisement for Becker's Best beer featuring the slogan "Better by Test than All the Rest"
This advertisement was run in the morning edition of the Salt Lake Tribune and features a couple looking at an advertisement for Becker's Best in a paper.
This advertisement ran in the Pocatello Tribune and markets Becker's Best beer.
This is an advertisement for Becker's Best in the Ogden Standard claming Becker's Best is a pure food beverage and featuring the slogan "better by test than all the rest."
This advertisement for Becker's Best ran in the Ogden Standard and features an illustration of a bear coming out of hibernation and the slogans "the early spring tonic" and "the pure food beverage for the home."
This advertisement for Becker's Best ran in the Ogden Standard. The ad features an illustration of two couples enjoying a meal together and the slogan "the beverage that delights discriminating friends."
This advertisement for Becker's Best ran in the Salt Lake Tribune. The ad features an illustration of a snow covered cabin, an evergreen tree and the slogan "a delicious home beverage for cozy nights indoors."
This advertisement for Becker's Best ran in the Ogden Standard. The ad features a portrait of a smiling man next to a bottle of Becker's Best beer.
This advertisement for Becker's Best ran in the Ogden Examiner and features the portrait of a smiling women next to a bottle of Becker's Best beer.
This is an advertising print for Becker's Best featuring an illustration of a women holding a large bottle of Becker's Best beer. The advertisement also has the slogans "the beverage for the home" and "pure, healthful, invigorating."
This is an advertising print for Becker's Best featuring two men on a patio drinking Becker's Best from steins. The advertisement also features the slogan "Better by Test than all the Rest."
This is an advertising print for Becker's Best featuring an illustration of a hand holding a glass of Becker's Best. The slogan "satisfies the taste, quenches the thirst, improves the health, the true pure food home beverage" accompanies the…
This is an advertisement for Becker's Best featuring illustrations of Utah barley farmers drinking Becker's Best. The advertisement claims that Becker's Best is the most nutritious beverage on the market due to the use of Utah barley.
This is an advertisement for Becker's Uinta Club Beer. Uinta Club was the beverage manufactured by the Becker Brewing and Malting Company of Evanston, Wyoming after the repeal of prohibition in 1933. This advertisement features an illustration of a…
This is an advertisement for Becker's Uinta Club beer, which was manufactured in Evanston, Wyoming after the repeal of prohibition in 1933. This particular advertisement features the image of a cowboy on a bucking bronco and the slogan, "Always on…
This advertisement for Becker's Uinta Club Beer depicts the image of a cowboy roping a steer. The ad features the advertising phrase, "you know that life is robust when you rope a runnin' steer; Makes you think of all the gusto in a glass of Becker's…
This is an advertising proof for Becker's Best Beer. It features a colored illustration of a bottle of Becker's Best and the slogan "It's here, Becker's Beer."
This is stock certificate number 15 for the Becker Brewing and Malting Company. It signifies that E. N. Allison Jr. owns twenty shares of capital stock or twenty-thousand dollars worth of the Company. The certificate is signed by J. S. Becker and G.…
This contract is an agreement between the Becker Brewing and Malting Company and G. F. Thompson regarding the establishment of an Ogden tied-house. A tied-house was established when the proprietor of a bar or saloon agreed to exclusively serve the…
This document is a calendar for the dates and locations of football games between the Rocky Mountain Conference universities and colleges. The calendar served as an advertisement for Becker's Unita Club Beer. The Rocky Mountain Conference schools…
This photo features three different decorative advertising plates, each with a unique breed of horse and the Becker's Beer logo.
This is a newspaper advertisement for Becco, a non-alcoholic beverage. Becco was manufactured by the Becker Brewing and Malting Company in response to prohibition. This advertisement suggests serving Becco on camping trips because of its superior…
This is a newspaper advertisement for Becco, a non-alcoholic beverage. Becco was manufactured by the Becker Brewing and Malting Company in response to prohibition. This advertisement shows a hand holding a glass of bubbling Becco and makes the claim…
This is a newspaper advertisement for Becco, a non-alcoholic beverage. Becco was manufactured by the Becker Brewing and Malting Company in response to prohibition. This advertisement features an illustration of a man holding a glass of Becco. The…