
Two men posing with the Maxwell automobile, Monument Valley monuments in the background. Men unidentified, presumably Dolph Andrus, William Hopkins or L.W. Clement. Envelope 17.
Man looking at a Maxwell automobile's engine, probably near Lee's Ferry.
Unidentified man in the Maxwell automobile on the road, Dixie/Hurricane, Utah.
Bell at Lee's Ferry. Envelope 23.
Two unidentified men on the road next to Maxwell automobile near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Man with a dog. Hunting in Monument Valley. Envelope 15.
Indian school teacher poses with two children, Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Monumental highway sign carved into rock. Lee's ferry 5 miles. Near Tuba City.
Camp set up near oil rig in Monument Valley. Maxwell automobile parked behind tents. Envelope 15.
Five unidentified people by the Maxwell automobile in front of home/trading post probably near the San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Tuba City Indian School poses in front of the Maxwell automobile, Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Man riding on the back of the Maxwell automobile . Overlooking San Juan River. Envelope 25.
Unidentified man and horse stand next to Maxwell automobile. Tuba City. House Rock Valley. Envelope 24.
Digging out the wheels of the Maxwell automobile. Monument Valley. Bluff. Envelope 11.
Oil rig near Bluff, Utah and Monument Valley. Unidentified man, presumably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, posing with Maxwell automobile.
Maxwell automobile in picture in Monument Valley near Bluff. Envelope 11.
Automobile being towed by horses in Monument Valley. One unidentified man, presumably William Hopkins or Dolph Andrus or L.W. Clement. See also P0542 Box 1 Folder 03 Photo 05. Envelope 17.
House Rock Valley, Tuba City. Maxwell automobile near rocks, unidentified driver. Envelope 24.
Unidentified man, probably William Hopkins, at the crank of the Maxwell automobile, on a hill near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Two unidentified Navajo women getting water from barrels. Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Dr. William H. Hopkins standing on the Maxwell automobile with a chisel, next to the Monumental Highway carving, near Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Four unidentified people in front of a home - two women near the trees and two men by the car - possibly near Lee's Ferry. Maxwell automobile parked in front. Envelope 23.
Hunting in Monument Valley. Envelope 15. Two unidentified men by hanging coyotes.
Lee's Ferry, Colorado River.
Tuba City Indian School poses, arms down, in front of Maxwell automobile, Tuba City. Envelope 24.
Kaibab and Kanab. Houserock. Envelope 41.
Maxwell automobile stopped at what looks like a home/trading post. Monument Valley trip. Five unidentified people. Envelope 15.
Man taking picture near Monument Valley, Standing next to Maxwell automobile. Two unidentified men, presumably Dolph Andrus, William Hopkins, or L. W. Clement.
Two men fixing the tire of Dolph Andrus's Maxwell automobile, Monument Valley.
Six unidentified men in front of a camp by oil wells, in Monument Valley. Envelope 15.
Two unidentified men, probably Dolph Andrus or William Hopkins, with the Maxwell automobile at Hell's Backbone Bridge.
Hunting in Monument Valley. Coyotes hanging. Wood haulers camp. On left in front of horses: Dr. W. H. Hopkins. By wagon wheel: Dolph Andrus. Holding rifle: H. Stanley Hinnricks. Standing by tent: Perry Clark. Squatting by tent: Osro Hunt, owner of…
"Tuba City. Land Scenes." Maxwell automobile in picture. Envelope 24.
LogAndStory_Page 29-30.pdf
Log and story of Monumental highway: Thro' America's wonderland. Includes the Grand Canyon, Kaibab Forest, Utah's huge natural bridges, Monument Valley, ruins of the ancient cliffdwellers, Hopi Indian villages, the Painted Desert, and beautiful…
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Letter from Sol Hurok to Jack London, dated October 21, 1914.
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Letter to Jack London from I. Scheff & Bros. Importers and Manufacturers, dated November 6, 1906 regarding the publishing of illustrated postcards.
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Letter to Jack London from The Illustrated Buffalo Express, undated.
Letter from B.L. Ingler, Jr. to Jack London, dated April 2, 1914
Letter to Jack and Charmian London from Cordi Webb Ingram, dated March 15, 1913
Letter to Jack and Charmian London from Cordi Webb Ingram, dated March 8, 1913
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Letter to Jack London from the International Literary and News Service, dated April 21, 1908, returning his manuscript.
Letter from O.W. Israelsen to F.S. Harris, March 9, 1914, regarding potential prospects for a position in Department of Irrigation and Drainage.
Irrigation principles and practices by Orson W. Israelsen, 1950. Part of the Wiley Agricultural Engineering Series
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Letter from Modeste Hannis Jordan, of the Writer's Bulletin, to Jack London, dated August 21, 1916.
Interview with Ka Mar, a Burmese Muslim refugee on May 15, 2015. Also present, Ka Mar's mom, Khin Mar Cho, his wife and daughter. We are at their apartment in Logan, Utah.
Burmese translator Har Be Bar takes down names of those present at the interview. Maung Maung, her younger brother, came to the apartment after the interview was over. Seated on the left of Har Be Bar is Sa Da De, Ka Mar's wife, and to the right of…
Photograph of Ka Mar and wife Sa De Da and daughter Ma Se Ma in the front room of Ka Mar's apartment. We took several photos of of Ka Mar and his wife and daughter in this pose. Ma Se Ma decided to gesture in the way you see here for the photograph.…
Ka Mar holds Thanaka while his daughter Ma Se Ma applies some Thanaka to her face. I had asked Ka Mar what the designs were on the youth and his wife's face when we arrived at the apartment. The youth, including Ma Se Ma, had applied a swirl on each…
Kin Mar Cho's (Ka Mar's mother) Burmese clothing patterns hung on the north wall of the living room, next to and above her sewing machine. East of Khin Mar Cho�s sewing machine there was a plastic basket, slightly visible here, with several different…
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