
Yolanda Mendiola Bates talks about her childhood in Mexico, her parent’s divorce and her father’s remarriage. She talks about competitive swimming, about receiving a full-ride scholarship to swim at Brigham Young University, converting to the Church…
Yolanda Mendiola Bates talks about her childhood in Mexico, her parent’s divorce and her father’s remarriage, being raised by her grandmother and aunts and her relationship with her brothers. She talks about competitive swimming, including…
Mr. Mario Barragán talks about his childhood in Perú, about his father, veterinary doctor, who died when he was young causing him to begin work at an early age, his jobs, including work cheese factory in Utah, his marriage, his feelings towards Cache…
Ana Cecilia Barragán talks about growing up happy in Peru with her family; she talks about her courtship and marriage in Peru to her husband, their move to the US. She talks about her work in Utah at a plastics factory where all the workers are…
Mr. Arián Baquero talks about the hard experiences he had to undergo in his native Colombia because of the Colombian guerrilla, his move to the United States, the serious accident he had as a child, and how he surmounted all these difficulties and…
Mrs. Delina Carpio Amestoy talks about the peaceful childhood she spent in her native Bolivia, her job as a hairdresser, her secret marriage when she was very young, and her adult life now in Utah with her beloved granddaughters.
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