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Tun Lay talks about his journey from Burma to Logan, Utah. He describes his time spent in refugee camps and the differences between his life then and his life now.
Tun Lay talks about his journey from Burma to Logan, Utah. He describes his time spent in refugee camps and the differences between his life then and his life now.
Pyo Nwe explained what her life was like in a Karen refugee camp. She details her experiences living in the camp, which include getting married and having children. She also explains the difficulties that she and her family faced (and still face)…
Pyo Nwe explained what her life was like in a Karen refugee camp. She details her experiences living in the camp, which include getting married and having children. She also explains the difficulties that she and her family faced (and still face)…
Pyo Nwe & Chit Moe discussing an answer to a question asked by Bethany in her living room.
Tun Lay holds his guitar that he plays for religious services on Sundays; picture has more light.
Group shot of the interview process, standing view looking down on the group.
Tun Lay is responding to a question while looking down at paper listing the interview questions.
Chit Moe & Tun Lay are discussing a question asked by Bethany.
Decorative floor rugs that the Karen people use to cover carpet because it is easier to clean while protecting the carpeting.
Tun Lay holds his guitar that he plays for religious services on Sundays; darker lighting in picture .
Picture of a food cover that people would use even in Karen State to protect food from pests.
Photo of Tun Lay when he lived in Salt Lake City seven years ago; picture taken farther away.
Close up photo of Tun Lay when he lived in Salt Lake City seven years ago.