
This is the west wall of the front room in Ka Mar's apartment. A calendar, photographs, award certificates, and perhaps a religious motif hang from the wall. Interesting to note is how high the objects are hung on the wall. The wall paper, made to…
This is the west wall of the front room in Ka Mar's apartment. A calendar, photographs, award certificates, and perhaps a religious motif hang from the wall. Interesting to note is how high the objects are hung on the wall. The wall paper, made to…
On the south wall of Ka Mar's apartment there are two posters: one is eligious in nature but I do not know the meaning; the other pictured here, is of Mecca. Many of the houses we visited had posters hung; some of them were the same or similar.
This photograph of Ka Mar's grandparents hangs on the west wall of the front room in Ka Mar's apartment alongside a calendar, photographs, award certificates, and perhaps a religious motif. We did not find out the names of the grandparents.
One of Ka Mar's several award certificates. Ka Mar recieved this award when he and his family were living in Salt Lake City, Utah, before moving to Cache Valley, Logan, Utah. The award reads: ""Westgate Park City Resort & Spa Awards this Certificate…
On the south wall of Ka Mar's apartment there are two posters: one of Mecca; the other, pictured here, is religious in nature but I do not know the meaning. Many of the houses we visited had posters hung; some of them were the same or similar.
Kin Mar Cho's (Ka Mar's mother) Burmese clothing patterns hung on the north wall of the living room, next to and above her sewing machine. East of Khin Mar Cho�s sewing machine there was a plastic basket, slightly visible here, with several different…
Photograph of Ka Mar interview. This photograph was taken at the conclusion of Ka Mar's interview for the Voices: Refugees in Cache Valley field school project. Also present are David Giles (recordist), Deanna Allred (interviewer), Har Be Bar…
Ka Mar's daughter Ma Se Ma poses in front of her father Ka Mar and mother Sa Da De. Ma Se Ma is four years old. Her mother Sa Da De is seen here wearing the traditional htamein. Her father is holding his car keys in one of his hands.
Ka Mar holds Thanaka while his daughter Ma Se Ma applies some Thanaka to her face. I had asked Ka Mar what the designs were on the youth and his wife's face when we arrived at the apartment. The youth, including Ma Se Ma, had applied a swirl on each…
Photograph of Ka Mar and wife Sa De Da and daughter Ma Se Ma in the front room of Ka Mar's apartment. Ma Se Ma is moving in her father's arms. On the wall behind them is a Muslim religious poster.
Photograph of Ka Mar and wife Sa De Da and daughter Ma Se Ma in the front room of Ka Mar's apartment. On the wall behind them is a Muslim religious poster.
Photograph of Ka Mar and wife Sa De Da and daughter Ma Se Ma in the front room of Ka Mar's apartment. We took several photos of of Ka Mar and his wife and daughter in this pose. Ma Se Ma decided to gesture in the way you see here for the photograph.…
Burmese translator Har Be Bar takes down names of those present at the interview. Maung Maung, her younger brother, came to the apartment after the interview was over. Seated on the left of Har Be Bar is Sa Da De, Ka Mar's wife, and to the right of…
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