St. Anne's Retreat contemporary legends
Dublin Core
St. Anne's Retreat contemporary legends
Several legend verisons of St. Anne's Retreat from student fieldwork collection assignments.
"Saint Anne's Retreat"
Informant data:
Marsha Jenkins
Pine Glen Cove,
Logan Canyon
June of 1978
Retold October of 1983
Marsha Jenkins is from Newton, Utah. She was born and raised
there and was affiliated with the M.I.A. program in the Newton
ward for several years for the L.D.S. Church. She was a camp
leader and accompanied the girls to a Young Womens camp held at
Pine Glen Cove about 9 miles up Logan Canyon. We'd all gather
around the fire place in the big lodge before going to our cabins
to tell and listen to stories. This was the one that really got
to us!
Pine Glen Cove was previously known as "St. Anne's Retreat"
because each summer a gr oup of Nun s from the Catholic Chur ch
would visit the retreat for relaxation and meditation. Until
the tragedy.
The radio's and television sets blared with the news that an
escaped convict was wandering through Logan Canyon. He had one
hook arm add was armed with a dangerous weapon. People were
warned to stay clear of the canyon and to stay inside where they
were sa~ e. The nuns, however didn't have any contact with the
outside world. That very evening one of the sisters was missing.
The other sisters looked around as much as they could but decided
she was just meditating or that she had gone back to her cabin
early. The next morning she still hadn't returned. They looked
most of the day but found nothing.
That evening as some of the Nuns were praying, they heard a horrible
scream. They ran directly outside to see what the trouble was and
there was the missing Sister ... Bloody and floating in the swimming
After that episode they sold the retreat.
never :Eo.und.
The escaped ~onvict was
Andrea Benson
Newton, Utah
History 124
Fall 1983
L ).' t / f /::?, I , I
Sa/at /J/J/Js lfe6r~t"
~o« tVa //a c ~
A q9Cl/7 I (/6.-
..::::z:: C/O/.) /6 /"eCl/& ,5'hoV<./ /??uch a~
ScoCi" ' /k Go/cI /he ~ ,,6e 8/"'-c"c.u- C/r:' //7
A?JCtn I d-- ~f'//c a /06' of 6/"/:n<9 eo/??p/~
up /n -c/;e CO/lSC/7 cuhen he~..j ---Sf oV/?8 e " .
.He //OUJ £eClc,hes;:: .s.c/?cxy/ //7 U/e/hc/l·//~.
/f;f!!j oseol -to £f?// c:.oIS ~,J' cu);//e ea/n~/.n3 r //7 de O;eo... / ~ SCCtre eQc~ o-cher.
c-0//7G 4/7/7S /fec/"r:?CZ£ ~ 0/7 Qrea...
w,,6e/'~ -c,fe (?a-c~o~ "c /V'uns ()- P/,e/sc c.vevlol
racaV'a/7 //) -c/7c:> SV/}?/?7e". (}/Je .sOQ;JQ/{;?1'" a...
/VV/7 /lCi./7?eo/ .Yste/' A/?/7 /-e// //J /0 UP w/ '-ch Q
?/e/.s£. 7/?~ ~ad a c~/d rhccc 61W Xe;tJ6
~/o/ok/J ,Je,e . ykre C2. Ck'[-r bac/ /-Ire)
01-. A/J/J CU?/JC /// -cO ~ V:J .s2:1oe -Me 04/"/ c/
;;ft-!Cf Ufl?re -6ro/;o~ "" b:xA /na:51e)- ). (!A/ /01
~c/. ..LC /$ SQ/c/ ~~acj /I/?/:) ,/7dG<./
cuo//[.s- c2/w/7o/ ~v/?v11 -c;he CZ/".eCl. eu;'-c..4'
~e/' e~//ci //7 ~tP/ Q/'/nS .
{/I 'cl(y /(u/s I ' <.
Cj)/'ClI(jC) II / 6c.x; 35
JOjQ/n I uJ-.
L :? I I.. I~. r ~
Tim Keller
Logan, Utah
November 12, 1982
Tim was born in Preston, Idaho and has lived there all of his
life. He is a member of the L.D . S. church and is presently attending
Utah State University. Tim likes modern cars and he is also
a good waterskier.
Contextual Data:
I learned this item from Tim after I asked him if he'd heard
any stories of St. Anne's Retreat. Tim heard this story from his
friend's mother who has lived in Logan for some tir.le. This is the
story as he related it to me.
Up Logan Canyon there is an old Catholic Convent. It consists
of several cabins and there is also a swimming pool. This convent
is abandoned now but nuns used to occupy it. The Hother Superior,
or whatever it is, the head nun who was over the nuns who lived up
there , was supposed to be kind of sadistic. She would lock her
nuns in their cabins and leave them there for no one knows how long .
There are scratches on the cabin walls with blood stains where the
nuns tried to claw their way out.
Terri Keller
Preston, Idaho
Legends/ Hyths and
Fall quarter, 1982
L , -/;;f, / ,.3
! ! I
, '
Ghost Story
Launee Fo-wler
her house
.'larch 25, 19:31
This story .. c::.s told to me by La ',ln6e .Fowler, rr;y :;]utual adviser. The
story use:l. to be toU to tne girls up at a ;irls car:;p in Logar. Car.yon.
All of the girls kne~ it wasn't tr~e, but it used to scare the~ quite
badly, beca~e the incident was supposed to have happened close to
where the:'l were. The story was told when Launee went to' ca::r? in the
early 1970's.
Launee is 24 and lives at in Bountifcl, Utah.
She is the mother of two.
"They l.l.Sed to tell us this story wnan we were up at girls
camp. You know where Logan Canyon is 7 o'\'ell, there's this old
building where they use.:i to send the nuns for surncner vacation.
There was ttis one nun who had a golden ar~. One day when
she was the only one there, a guy carne in, killed her, and stole
her golden arm and the other valuables.
I,ow the nun is supposed to be out walkins a::,ou.."l3 at night
looking for her arm. She goes up to people beg~in; for it.
It used to scare us because the nurillery was just over the hill
from where we were."
EO'JIltiful, Juh
Soutj Javis Junior High A 14 1+ \ <::>\1) K..~ FA lIZ-L
~ I I. /:? I. Lj .
"The Baby in the Fireplace"
Informant data:
Logan, Utah
1974 (approx.)
I was born May 24, 1960 in Logan, Utah, to parents of English
ancestry. I lived in California for six years, then we moved back
to Logan. I was educated in the Logan City Schools, and am currently
a senior at Utah state University majoring in music. I am a member
of the L.D.S. church and enjoy tennis, raquetball, skiing, camping,
and music of all kinds. I am currently serving as the Young
Women's camp specialist for my stake.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Contextual data:
I heard this story while I was attending a girl's camp at Camp
Lomia in Logan Canyon. Our whole group had gathered in the lodge,
which is where this story is supposed to have taken place. The fact
that we were in that place made the story even scarier to us. As
soon as the meeting was over, we ran out of the lodge and back to
our tents as fast as we could. I'm not sure the story is actually
true, but it was told as a true story and all of us believed it at
the time. It was probably just told to scare us to death, and it
worked: Ever since then, I have told the story to other groups and
in other situations, but it seems like I always get the best reaction
from the audience when I tell it in the lodge. This shows
me how important a role the setting can play in the telling of a
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Many years ago, before cabins were built at Camp Lomia, the
girls used to sleep in bunk beds in the upper story of the lodge.
One night the girls were awakened by the sound of a baby's cry.
They couldn't tell where the sounds were coming from, but every
night they were there they heard the same cries. Finally, the
girls became so terrified that they had to leave camp early. Even
after the girls were home, however, they were still very frightened
and many of them started having nightmares. The families of these
girls decided to conduct a search of the lodge to see if they could
locate the source of the cries. A group of men went up one night
and waited in the top floor of the lodge. Just after midnight, the
cries of a small baby could be heard clearly by everyone present.
It seemed to fill the entire room. The men finally determined that
the cries were coming from the fireplace at one end of the room.
Upon closer inspection, they foudn that one of the stones was loose.
L ~ I /, )~. /,
They removed the stone and found the skeletal remains of a newborn
baby. It was later learned that the lodge had once been used as a
retreat for Catholic nuns. Apparently, one of the nuns had been
pregnant and had gone to the lodge to have her baby. Unable to
face the humiliation of her situation, she buried the newborn alive
in the fireplace.
Annette Pack
Logan, Utah
Utah State University
History 124
Fall Quarter 1981
L~ , /11 / ~ A / • S- P ~
V'\k~('~e L;f\J ley
- --+- - -- - Lo'1 C\- C\ U +C\.-V\ -
Oct I ':)c t «{ S ;3
Vc\\er;e. L/V\ch \€.y ~~ I q Y ~OJ'~ Q V\ l\ C+
'50 17 ~ 0 I~O V' l.- ~ ~ U to. ~\ L) t--o. t e () y\ \' ve V'5 I't- '( f
7~e WCL5 hof'n C~V\G\ f'Q;7'4\ 1" Wc:l/$\L;I\L-qi\('~
t) qVYleiYlpe l" of the. LpS Chu(ch .. 1: Wo,5
q1- hef' o.po.,tmeVlt G.V\<A \NC{5 5C\y; nJ 50Yheth~IY\J
qb()ut 5-a,;Vl.t Q"r\5 Re-1- r e<\'t vJhtfL "5he 5q;J tha.l
She K()ew Q")+OI'Y qp>out l'1- o\V\~ t-h,'.s i, t't.
T ~ere.. wa.s 0,)'\ €j <:'01\\1 ;c.t .f ~OiY\ f-he
fi<'J\To,,\ H'o)p\tU.\ ;" P,....ovo .. 1\ ~eV'e Wa,5 q (\Vf\f1eV'y
1/ p a.. t 5tl ClO'\Vl5 C\ Y\(;\ ~e We-At (/ p rh.-e,v-e. _ /+e '10 t
<1. VI u V\ p f'e 1 V\ <:{ V\ t q V\ c.\ K' \ \ \ e. c\ Cl e 0 (/ j> \ 'e 0 1-~ e V' :5
J rt
-t-I\er. dI5C\.ppeo..v"s. )~~ .nv(\ h.~l\ r~e Cl.V\cA
cArC \A/vle.J. '\\ ;V\ t~e evol 0.1'\0. t~~re. 4~ 5u?p05e~
t() lYe b load 5+c{\ (\5 5t d\ c Y\ + he bo ttc> IJI). if A ~ Y\ v V\
wer\l- c,rq -z:..y o.~c\ went Vp ;Y\~towel' QJ\c,\ l~veJ"
j-he, th()£/qht tho:'\- she. wetS Q(\cA CCl\JY\~ c\.OW(\ o.n~
k ;It e J Q \ \ +- h eo+-her h J 1\ ~, 5'he h a,d +iA lo w h' \ \--e.
do ~e.r f\l\C\{\S C\i'\c,\ it yo u 40 ue th~{'e C\Ao\ 5e.e
tbeir- eyes Cjlow/'V\j <:jf'eeV\)Of' i{ yoUS~e... her-e.
ye <; l' low 'I h 3 up" 1'\ -t- k. e +0 GV 'e Y' i- h. e tI you w ~ 1\ h c::d--
(Y\C\ k e t 1- 0 v t- <) et he Cq 1'\ yo Y\ a. \ \ v ~ ..
L~ ,I, /~, 1 .. 7
I •
-------;- =-------==-- ~
--- --____ Idt-L - - 7 - f-~--
Scott R. Peterson
Library, USU
Feb. 8, 1984
St. Ann's Retreat
Informant data:
Scott Peterson has lived in Logan for most of his life. He
is 22, an LDS returned missionary and a student at USU. He
is a political science major and plans on attending law
school the fall of 1985.
Contextual data:
I collected this item while I was in the library studying
with Scott. Since he is a native of Logan I thought he
would probably know the story of St. Ann's retreat. I asked
him to tell me his version after hearing one of his friends
tell another version. The three of us were sitting in the
library together when Scott told us this story. Scott does
not believe this story to be true. He thinks that something
probably did happen at the retreat, but he has no idea what
it was.
They had a bunch of nuns killed up there [St. Ann's
Retreat] • On a certain occasion some marshalls went to
investigate it, and when they arrived they found one nun who
was lacking an ar~ and had a golden one instead. When they
got there she was crouched over one nun finishing her off
with a hatchet. They tried to apprehend her, and she ran
off into the hills and was never found. She is still up
there and that is why you shouldn't go.
Lisa Canfield
Logan, utah
Winter 1984
Superstition Folk Belief
Informant Data:
Logan, Utah
aul'/ 5, 84
Mark Waite~ 18~ was born in Logan, Utah. He attended Logan
High School and graduated in 1984. His father is a bi ·shop. He
loves to go four wheeling.
Conte:.: tual Data:
Mark heard this story last year when he went camping with the
Boy Scouts. He heard it from a guy named Steve Goodson. Steve
was in the story himself.
* * * * * * * *
On one winter night~ Steve and his friend were coming back
from four wheeling and snowmobiling. It was about midnight when
they went through Saint Ann's. Steve tried to start the truck~
but it wouldn't start. After about five minutes, they saw a nun
appear with a Doberman and she pointed in their direction for the
Doberman to attack them. After the first Doberman was attacking
the truck~ they saw the nun disappear and reappear with another
one until there were six of them. Steve eventually got his truck
started and drove away. When Steve got home, his parents thought
he had rolled the truck over, because there were scratches and a
broken wi ndo~'-J. He told them the story and they all went up there
the next day, but they found nothing.
Chi:"lu N. Lam
History 124
L::;ummet- , :l 984
L;J, ./, /~. / .. 9
r:1nJ .
"c. V e;.r ~ t 0 ~.,
Lc:Je-.... J e..p sf. A'1r1; f{.eh .. f-
ft...p-l-t..-- thc:)'" /'l1ovC1J up kJq/l CcrzYOY1; -fh~re: (..v'a.F 0-
-fi:t...J ~ /her..! C:Vl d a bout 1"'>0;- 20 /f/<{NU. On e o-P fJ,e tc.. . hcy..!
A.:. J A,:; ~ <!!ye On ol'7c o-P -me Ahll"l J J J he (A./CU "loJt f?? you~
a",d p,..-e-Hy. Dl1e /ltjJ,f he cu/r'!d he/ -In ;)cv /J(~ our
&/1 h C<. ..;;; <.J i-h I '?J.J a /1 c!. he en cI ~ d v/' r-a.j:7 I ~ h <: r •
.5h~ 1h~ 3"+5 ~rCY('74f o",d ..shc. doc.sr1<-/ da.-rc: hI! Ct'1j/in"Jy she. 1h ... V)~+ th<..y '-4oulJ lJ1I~k. shr: h. .. J ;o~vc.h~ h,~}
he (,J <4.J .5(.nh a... :3 Q. b J fl'1cc..-J. /9n)/ t-'c<y th C r(:-..s +- 0 j2 f-h c /f/'l....J
sh~/leJ he,,- b< .she t..f<CJ -.56 ~r-tII;Y .. WhCVl ,'; hCC<l--n(!
Co b,v;ot.l.; .s he tJc..J vvtih ch; IJ/ ~""evyOvt(> ...s kune J h~r-) So sht.:
fy-/~J hili'?; 1,c:..5 -h:. ct"C;?/,.:", /f; buf ~ /10 "Y1~ 0o(.l/J 6<-.I,,,,,~ ~~r.
50 she C/lJ~ ur :J6/0 qc...-V c.J1"" I~ fJz /'?7ou-lr.jq,;',p- 0'1 J hqv~:V
t?- bA 7- be. y. 5 J, c. rer$ S e J }II~ a'1 J "-c./ he /} h (-~ 0/ cf (-YZ0"J h
she ~1I.s h,y't<J the ..f~7/ "",1",,4 e..,.n;..J~.s h/~ .. Ourl~ 7n1:..r
-hntc she ~'i.r -Ivrned A~ c.. svC'c;:.f- .J I.-I 1-0 0. hcr-h-.-c:d
V<J;lc.h. s::. she ~ ~/'tnJ' 0.. ~y -{!O,... tnz.Y'>1. -f.t:, IT';;I --tk ~ ;ar/c.-J-t-,
me: 60 y '7hC:/l :10<:: J da<-J'1.. O<-? d /,,/IJ -IJ, olcf prz;"'J+ CUI cf
7h'CYl -t'nc.y Jrtll <t'VL~7c.>Y1(;: el.H "'r fhr:::r-c:. The 1C;;CY7c1 ,:J0C"J
--!-h~f. -/he bc;Y ~".f VC'7 ::Por7d of} dO:JJ and ~o li ld sick inc.Y?1
6vl Cto/O-'1C ih",,+ CCtn?C ur --!nere. 50 -the. f'Vtc,h1cr- 4"1d " '':'1''(
hofh. dee of old cvc-/ bJ+ he"' .5tJ'''-'+.J 0-/2 -the. d~.JJ/YJ-tufhrr Q'Ici
50>"'l ctrc: s+Z1l ro~I"""I~ orovVlci".I~ yc.:,J;10 up +her~ ine
cLjs 5/,',;,,+s J ef- you ct"l d ch~v y<:Jo.J up" b<..l+ Je"'-vl!' yo u -10
b~ A, 'I/c.J hy he /"t~ inc:,..~
L . I, /~. J. /0
I Lejend
li fJ(? : I-e.;e:n" c:.+' Sf. An/}';' Rc +reo. f .
C,'r'\dy 13clrbvr:J
LO:Jal1, U+c. h
/ /18/ 83
In..[;,.(rJrA. +\lIe D~ +.:.. :
C'rldy Echbv,) i,s ~ -h-,~J and nejl,6or ~r c. l<>-r)) -h"me J
5'h~'f\tjr hu~j' c.t.+ Q/1d is a. Yr. ,~ CG/le..Jc:. ~
~e,- ethn'c G\1"Ic.esh--r IS' .s(.J~edl:sh Q/)d her hc:.bhl·e.,S" l~cI(JJc
phc~ 0.111 0...".-1- • .she:' ~"lJ /o <:>r rJ , '(1 III,".-toi,s I bv+ W<l.J rCl.L~cJ
)n Lo~a'l .
CO~~~{ D4+o. ',
L coil<.:c.-I-t/ hi::' I~j e'>1d (...)hr:n vv-.! G-/Cre s,f+,n..; a.round
-h:11,'~ Joke.Jj And ye,y'J~bCY' +hilt+- -this (,...Jov(J be :3~ c> J ~.'
f-hc -f'o/J.r.!c,rc. clcu$ ... :r1J heq,.J /0+05 c..f V(-rJI"ns he..(:;u-c; these
(r/e .. ~ fv..,o ef fire be..sf.
She -hrs+ hc .. ,..J -fheJc"e-..s I;' hty ~ schoo I ~j,<'YJ 50/1'1 e
61dc-r- JVY.s (G-vy::I::.ssacso r) -fhqf like +0 +",l\e. .J·,rloS up
the C<Io"y,,/L +0 -h,j.J' p lCl.c.e G,.,d Scare: -/n<.-yYI,.2:+ 1$ SCQry Ish..: -Sctl' J,I
becq(lsC" I+S' 0/'1 a..s -.ver; cJ p{Qce c .... 'l cJ t'hc..--rc. Glrl! doj,s'up 7-h(:'y-<::, ..
I hy
..z- rec:o.--cicJ two. \/C'('"s;"I1S o-P +-hij le"I:"J ~Y>1. C~dy~
Tex'" :
The !eYC-l1d bey'I"..s -fh-~+ c.a.c.hc 'Vq,1t<::7 w<tSn'+ ~vf'\deJ
r'1or/Y1ons/ b ur hy fnc CCi.'fhc/'-cJ rluf se+- tt.p 0, .srnq /1
II';JJ<t.J ~ here. ThC'/1 /he A1o"''''~Q//J Cq."'1 1: II"') Of"d sef Ur' sho(lJ
r'l1. ... kc::;·I"'J'tnC. eo..n,c.r,c..) -Feel oV+- o-P plCK.e; becQ.vJ i: /Vlc./,;'17orlJ
(.,.Je r e ,So d;-Ptt:r-et'\t-. So +h~ ca.fhJ,~.j "'.JCV\+u~ L~Q/'l CCU?Y0rl/
1110...1-+ 6..(' wnun-t ("';C!r-c N un,S/ Q'1 d bv:lf Son1 t:. Cab:"s ~ *
7hcr~ (..vel./' a.. A/VYl Thq, -I /'lob.,.dy ,;I"C!J I G/'l J fn7 sy
nee+- she... vSl"d +-0 s/eer OV-D'<Jl1d w; -h, -f-'hc F.:c-l'hc:r5 0", d the
Plorrr10/1J ,;" fo<.A-I~1 a'l J of'1.c.(:' 1'1"1 a. ... A1~/e .J<I:I. aJ+ a/ld 8~-1- SQ/I'1t::.
SfJ1',Ps o-F booze. So the: n:..;-f of -fhe Nuns sh<.Jl"lIleJ ht:::.r
a.,., J u.s c d "'/-b J L"v'';: h <r:" r In c rb~ J 'o b oS -/-0 de a ro oJ 1'1 d -In C
c.Ctb(/I,S / ' I. "0::. Sc.rlJ b -t-I,<.:. ~IQ e>rJ 0"1-' J svch, S c> OAe dc~y -f-his Nol')
L.:(. /~ J~. J. II
~d he. J J·Vj.J- abou-t- e'l1ov.jh o~ h(;!,,-c h4SJ~).$ OI,-z ct
5tv.{.p. She (A.,r"-J GL de \f'~u...s N v t'l150 She (.A/(_"Yl-f a. 11111<:. erCl< z-y
OY')C nlyh+ cUld dec.;JeJ she (,.JoulJ je.-\- rid crP a.1l 0+ fh(;>~.
Sc> she. -look: so~e 1r~;Pcs/ fh~r 0.1{ slc-r+/'r, b •. 1I'l1:r5) she:
f 5~,...-hJ .5/d-,~ fh .... oQ.+s o..f r/ll'e NuY).s an J killed -fnC"Y"1. Q./I.
{Here I dc-f-a.'/.$ 0-1' f-he k,"/I,?J o.r"C o..dded by ("".A1ce./(.-r- iJ ~II;':J
the S.f-ory) She s'h II h .. J +'he F~thC'r.s +.:, k; If I fh 7 'd be
h."",.-c/cr be:co.vsc- ih7 t.../l.-rr.:. sfn.t"\.Jc-r I h .. rl- oh-""/c.-r- 0.--1' /-he tY"I.
She (.dCY1+ scn::",h'f'n..; ~ fhc-n:. f'"b6""'" f<' F .... fne-r/ h:.. -hc:,- c.cY"'1 C-therc-.
J ..Jc.~efh.~ f.,I'-/l'7>Y1j he<re \\ J Cl"l J a...! fhy C4~e oU+
shf! si,1 --tnerr In.,-oo.f..r .. Sb she... go";' ef.11 -the !n,d/eJ G"1d
du..J Glo h~/e three..; fhco"Yl ,;." She 7hc.."YI. I,vcl tne n::.s +-o+'
hey- I, h o<.J+- U(J f'here ..
NoL..l/ all the s~;r;h c+ inc. d~~J bod/c.:.J o...-z,d ht ... f- (
(lfvns 5;4;';" f o..rc: tit' -hH-V-C.... Sb J--f1 VoJ (Je up fl,e-,c:: your
r~U:: JS \ l"n V/ ; +h .5r ' 0j("; J....r I Q" cI --I1z ~ IV ''''1:.r Std. ,->t- do <=:S " / I (.,../l;f /J +
yqiJ Up tYz. er~ .
7hcrc. if cJ..s~ G... ..5<.A./In'1rnl:V (000 I -fh ... + J::,,,Ot -A:..'r!y rec:cY) H'y
b0·\\t up there c.A tnt:. ~o\c: fh • ..f.. ~~d d~<d bod/e.s /',.-, If.
Am. 1=0 Ilr/orr:
W 01 -h-r fU r 19li3
\' ~r ANN~ R.q~TII
tJ,"m Ames
HAY 4,94
, J
(AT nttS -PDINr , ASk-EO ~/H 1~ ·1lt1S
W A t> -rYlU.£ I HE TUJ2NEO Hi5 ~ ro
PIlC:£ H6 ,ttND S/11~ Yc.s. ~T fH\)1) *'tS
FRlEND5 c.fttvt£ INTO J8;5 ~t Gt+r IWTER..-
~ fNCi DENTJ vvt-hT"E As G-/tf;5r~D
EN&L 46q
U11t# S71frE UN I V .
Kevin Kartchner
Library, USU
Feb. 8, 1984
St. Ann's Retreat
Informant data:
Kevin Kartchner was born and raised in Logan, Utah. He is
22 years old, LDS, a returned missionary and majoring in
Contextual Data:
I collected this item while I was stu~ng in the library
with my fiance. Kevin is a friend of my fiance, and when I
asked Scott to tell me the legend of St. Ann's retreat, he
thought Kevin would know more about it. Kevin learned the
story in bits and pieces as he was growing up in Logan. The
only audience was Scott and me. After Kevin told his
version of the story, Scott told his ,and they compared
legends. Kevin does not believe that his story is entirely
true, but he does believe that something did happen at ST.
Ann's, and that at least part of his story is based on
truth. I used as m~ of Kevin's own words as I could as I
recorded the story in tonghand while he told it to me.
These cowboys were out on the range about 1920. There were
a bunch of nuns that lived up there. The cowboys that were
in the area were lonely and rowdy. They went up there [St.
Ann's Retreat] and raped and killed them.
Lisa Canfield
Logan, utah
Winter 1984
L..{ I. / ~. 1_ /3
Superstition Local Belief
Infot-mant Data:
Logan, Utah
Mark Fluckiger, 18, was born in Logan, Utah. His family
been members of the Mormon church. He recently went to Boot
in Fortknox, Kentucky. He likes to ride dirt bikes,
basketball and he used to be my co-pilot in races.
Conte:-: tual Data:
Mark heard this story from his neighbor.
from other people in different versions. He
He also heard it
seemed to believe
them all.
I collected this story while we were out dragging Main on a
Saturday night. We were bored of Main street and decided to do
something else. Mark suggested that we go up to Saint-Ann. We
didn't really know what it was, so he told us the story. (There
were five of us in the car)
::I< :I< * * * * * *
Saint-Ann was a nunery a long time ago. As Catholic, nuns are
not suppose to have sex or any relationship with male.
some nuns up at Saint-Ann had broke the rule and got pregnant.
When the babies were born, the nuns killed the babies by drowning
them in a pool in the back of Saint-Ann. Some of the nuns felt
guilty and killed themself also. Now, the nuns sometimes appear
back to visit the place. There is a watchman with two dobermans
and a gun to keep the public out.
Chau N. Lam
U.S.U. Campus
Hi f~;tory 12Lf.
Summer, 1984
L ;). I. I ~. /. I!
St. Anne's Retreat
Informant data:
Karen Oakden
Logan, Utah
October 6, 1983
Karen Oakden is my sister. She was born in Logan, Utah on April 12,
1961. She graduated from Utah State with a 2 year Secretarial degree.
She is of Swiss defent. She is presently employed at U.S.U. She is an
active member of the L.D.S. Church.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Contextual Data:
Karen heard this story when her and her friends were up driving in Logan
canyon one night. Her friends told her the story. They were all
scaring each other with scary stories. She was terrified, she spooks
easily. She related the story to me because I had a friend who spent
the night at st. Anne's Retreat.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Text: St. Anne's Retreat
At one time St. Anne's Retreat was used as a nunnery. The nuns lived far
away from everyone else so they got away with things other nuns could not get
away with. The nuns often found themselves pregnant. In order not to get in
trouble for doing things they shouldn't, they would drown their babies in the
swimming pool that is at the retreat. If you go up to St. Anne's Retreat in
Logan Canyon at night, you can still hear the babies crying.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Janet Rust
Logan, Utah
Utah State University
English 124
Fall 1983
L~, I, I~. I .. is
· - (
Saint Annis Retreat
Informant Data:
Tony Gil bert
Logan Canyon
August 1981
Tony is a friend live grown up with. He was raised in Lewiston,
Utah, on a dairy farm. ' He is active in the L.D.S. Church, which he
- is preparing to serve a mission for. He attended Utah State last year
n, n frp~hman. He is very talented as a musician and a dancer, and
has always b'een active in perfOrnIllg groups such as Calico 'D'arice '
Company, 'which he presently belongs to. He was on the Student Body
Council during all three of his high school years, and is very goodnatured.
Con'textual Data:
Tony related this story to me one night as we were driving home
ffom Pickleville Playhouse; which is ov~r on Bear Lake. I worked
there this summer as a p~rformer, and he had come over to watch me
on this particular night. He happens to know that I get scared very
easily, and driving through Logan Canyon at one o'clock in the
morning makes me even more jittery than usual. The story he told me
scared me to death, and I didn't dare drive through the canyon alone
for the rest of the performance season. I fact, I don't think I will
ever drive tbe canyon alone again!
"0nce not so long ago; Saint 'Ann I s was an active nunnery. There
were' dver a hundred nuns who lived there. and a priest who stayed
" there to \,!:!!(;h o'.'eY' them. WE'll, it tlJrned nut thp orlPst couldn't handle
the life of celibacy, I guess, so I guess he got fr~endly with some of
the nuns . Pretty soon the sound of cryi ng babi es fi 1.1 ed the air.
Actually, they were a l~t more discrete than that--the priest would just
go get the poor unfortunate victim real late at night and take her and
their baby down to the pond and drown them. Of course it was soon
noticed that several of the nuns were ,disappearing, and so one of the
nuns, who was very pure and had no idea what was going on, was asked
to investigate and see where they were disappearing to. So one night
she followed the priest and one of his favorite nuns down to the pond.
When she saw what he was doing, she yelled out and tried to jump on
him to save the poor nun and her child. But it was too late--they were
already dead. The priest was really scared this righteous nun he hadn't
been able to victimize and blackmail would tell on hjm, so he grabbed '
her by the neck and choked her to death. Then he threw her body into
the pond.
The next mornin§, they found her body--and the priest was gone!
They searched for him for a long time, but so far, they have not found
him. They say the nuns that were killed are still roaming around up
in thp r~nvnn lnnkinn fnr ~ w~vtn rpvpnnp him--~nrl thpv ~lsn sav that
if you kneel down and look into the pond-from t~e right' angle, you can
still see the body of the righteous nun floating in the pond."
(Thi~ is verbatim, as I had him repeat it to me for this report.)
Dana Erickson
Richmond, Utah 84333
Logan, UT 84321
Utah St~te University
Folklore/English 124
Fall 1981
L- :<., /. I ~. I. It,
"St . Anthony ' s"
Logan , Utah
Annette r:alous lives on Logan, Utah.
She vvas born .i.arch 15 , 1965 in Chicago , Illinois . Annette
attended school in Logan , Utah . She graduated fro~ Logan
::i gh School . Annette ' s father is a practicing attorney in
logan, Ctah and her Elother is a school teacher . ;:)he is currently
a student at Jtah State University. "1nnette enjoys
skiing and other outdoor activities . ,she ' s a active me:nber
of the.-resbyterian Church.
Annette Collected this story when she was in high school.
The boys VJQuld al\vays take the girls up to St. Anthony ' s
and tell them this story . The reason the guys would tell the
story was to scare the girls so that they would cuddle up
closer to the:::-n . The story was always very enjoyable to the
boys to watch the girls get scared. The girls always were
scared because usally they were up at St . Anthony ' s and the
setting would always start the:n hearing strange noises and seeing
the red eyes of the Dov9:r:man .
Along time ago before there was a road up to St . Anthony's
(St. Anthony ' s is a nunnery up in Logan canyon. It has
a lot of big buil dings and a swimming pool . ) A certain man
would bring supplies up to the nuns once a month on his mule.
There were five nuns that lived there . Once he came up during
the night and he couldn ' t fined anybody. So he started
wandering around looking for them finally he found four of
the nuns dead in the swi,l1Ining pool. He then started looking
for the other nun, because he thought she might be in
trouble . Then all of a sudden he saw her up on top of the
,110untain with a dovernman dog with red eyes . So then he
knew that she was still alive and her name was Hexal . She
then started to chase him so he jumped on his mule and started
to head back to Logan as fast as he could .
Now you can go up at night and they say you can see the red
eyes of the dovernman .{ everyone claims they have seen them .)
Karie Chatlin
Bountifui, Utah 84010
Utah State University
Fall , 198J
L:(. 1/ 1;(. I .17
"St. Ann's Retreat"
Informant Data:
Robert Schwanavelt
Logan, Utah
February 8, 1983
Robert Schwanavelt was born in Logan, Utah summer of 1966. He is
currently attending Logan High School and works part-time at El Sol
Mexican Restaurant as a dishwasher. Robert is kind of a rowdy fun
loving guy and said he enjoys scaring girls. He is a member of the
Mormon chuch, but is inactive and apathetic toward it.
Contextual Data:
I collected this item from Robert at El Sol whenre:i I also work. He
asked me if I knew of a nunnery up Logan Canyon, and if so, did I know
any stories related to it. He had just gone there the night before
with a friend and a couple of girls to try and scare them. I knew this
would be a great opportunity to prime him for a collector story so I
asked him instead, what he knew of it, and turned on a tape recorder.
Robert learned about the nunnery (St. Ann's Retreat) from some friends that
had gone up there two or three days earlier. The following is a verbatim
transcription from a tape.
Me and my friend took these two girls up to the nunnery I heard about
to try and scare them you know; I guess what it is up there was a
place for pregnant nuns to go away and stay so they wouldn't shame the
churbh. There was supposed to be this one young nun named Anna or
something and they locked her up in this cabin. She had a bunch
of dogs as pets.
When she had her baby, I guess he grew up and went crazy and killed
his Mom and dogs and a bunch of other people cause he found out he
was a bastard. Anyway I don't believe all that crap about it so we
went to scare girls just for the fun of it.
We parked my car on the side of the highway by where there's a gate
thats locked closed that goes across a bridge and then up to it.
We went to the first building that looks like a castle and all of a
sudden one of the girls screamed and said she seen something running
through the bushes. We laughed and said she was crazy, but then I
heard something too. We went back to the car except I stopped and looked
back and there was a big dobber man pinscer just standing there looking
at me. Except I know it was a real dog, it wasn't no spirit.
Monty Hedin
Logan, UT
Folklore 423
Winter 1983
"The Haunted Convent"
Jay Wilson
Logan, Utah
November 28, 1980
Jay Wilson, 19, was born and raised in Midway, Utah. He
is a member of the L.D. S. church. He is an avid snowmobiler
and loves to ski. He is presently ~sophomore at Utah State
University majoring in Ag. mechanics.
Jay heard this story at a party his first year up at
Utah State. There were both girls and boys at the party and
many "scary-!' stories were circulating around that night. Jay
was surprised when the Old Hyrum part was put in because that is
a story that circulates around the region he lives in, (Wasatch and
Summi t Co.).
There used to be a convent up in Logan, Canyon. It's closed down
now because of what happened there. There was this insane man that came,
some say it was Old Hyrum (but thats another story), and he murdered eleven of
the twelve nuns that were at the convent. He put them in a swimming
pool they had there. The twelth nun foundthem and as a result committed
suicide . If you go there at night sometimes you can see the twelth nun
wi th her dog wandering around. Some say they have even heard her crying.
Jan Taggart
Morgan, Ute
Utah State University
English 124
Fall, 1980
L :<. I. ) ~. /. 19
, .
Spring Hollow Witch
Informant Data:
Vicki Anderson
Logan, Utah
Febru.ary 11, 1980
Vicki lived aroun~ the Intermoun ain region most of
her life. She attended Utah State University and now
lives and works in Logan. Vicki is an active member of the
Mormon church with an Irish-English ancestry.
Contextuc'll Data:
I was asking a group of girls about folklore concern-ing
Logan Canyon. Vicki related this story who had heard
it from a friend who's brother had been there. This story
was told and retold ~mong friends simply to scare each other.
While Vicki was telling thts sto""y the group that was
listening could hardly sit still, many had additions and
Up the canyon there is an old convent called St.
Ann's Retreat. Supposedly there is a witch who lives
there called Witch Hekady. This is supposed to be the witch
of a nun who killed herself at the convent along time ago.
Witch Hekady usually haunts the Spring Hol[ow Campground.
One night two hig~SChOOl boys were up there and started taunts to the witch. She didn't like this at all,
dogs started howling and lights came roll'ng off the hill.
1- :<, /, )~. J. ~ O
1 )
The boys got scared and decided to get out of there. but
the car wouldn't start. So tney started pushing as fast
as they could. The car didn't start until they were out
of the campground.
Caryn Wunderman
River Heights, Ute
Huntsville, Ala.
American Folklore
Wjnter 1980
I '
L i
TITLE: Witch Hekida
Kaylene Kidman
Logan ~ Utah
November 11 ~ 1983
Kaylene Kidman was born on December 11, 1963, in Logan, Utah. She
has lived in Idaho and Wyoming. She moved back to Utah 15 years ago
and has lived here ever since. She attended grammer school, junior
high and graduated from Logan High School. She belongs to the L.D.S
Church and is an active member. Her ancestors are from England , Scotland,
Germany and Ireland. She's the oldest of three brothers and two sisters.
She r ecently is planning to be married. She is the receptionist/secreLary
at Orrni Data International. Her hobbies are cooking and sewing; she
enjoys all sports and loves to travel.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kaylene heard this story from a friend when they were in high school.
She and her friend were on ther way to Hitch Hekida's when her friend
told her this story. Kaylene said she was really spooked. When they
walked up the dirt road heading towards the cabin the lights turned on
and no one was there. She said she was really scared. , I've heard alot
of stories about this place, so when our class was talking about this
particular story I decided to ask a few people what they knew about it.
Kaylene seemed really scared just telling me about it, especially
having had the lights turn on in the cabin when she was there . After
she told me the story she said, "Doesn't it just give you the creeps?"
And you know what? It really does! I went to work later and I was
in the office by myself. I kept hearing noises, and it was really
scarey just thinking about it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * *
One night there was this boy and his girlfriend who wanted to go up
to St. Ann's retreat and park. When they got up there the girl noticed
there was a green light hovering over the swimming pool. She didn't
pay much attention to it, until it seemed to be getting closer and
closer. She called it to the attention of her boyfriend. They noticed
as it got closer, that they could make out the figure of Hitch Hekida
in the green mist.
L ~./, /:(. /. ~ /
~ :: I I
( Witch Hekida came up to the car and started pounding on the windows
and clawing at them. They locked the doors and just watched in horror.
Finally, Witch Hekida went away. They then attempted to start the car,
but it had gone dead. They waited for a while but nothing happened.
The boy decided he would have to go for help He told her to lock the
door and lay on the floor, and not to let anyone in but him.
After a while she fell asleep. All of a sudden someone was pounding on
the window just like before. She looked out the window and saw a policeman.
She opened the door. He asked her what her name was and then told her
not to turn around. She turned around anyway and there hanging in a
tree by his feet was her dead boyfriend.
Liz Johnson
Logan, Utah 84321
Utah State University
L :.<. ,/, I~ . J • ~ I
Vern Larson
Bensori, Utah
November, 1981
~ern Larson yas born in Benson, Utah and has lived there
for the. las~ ' 27 · years. Vern is in his last year of school
at U.S.U.~ majoring in Engineering. Af-tee-graduating he
plans to leave Utah and make some money.
8eing raised on his fathers farn, he knoys that is not
the life for him, though he does enjoy hunting and fishing.
I was talking with Vern and some other friends one afternoon
when someone gegan telling ghost stories. Vern yas full of
them that da;. I don't think I have ever heard so many tales
from one person.
One particular story was new to me, it interested me very
much. Since hearing it from Vern I have heard other versions.
Witch Hecate seems to be quite the sorceress in the vally.
( Vern has never been to find her, but some friends did, he
related the story to me.
There was an old woman named Hecate l~ving in a nunnery
up Spring Hollow. She had some hounds, one night the hounds
turned on her and killed her.
To this day when the hounds hear the name Hecate ~hey begin
to HoYI and Howl until dawn.
If you are to go up to spring hollow and call for Witch
Hecate, you can hear the dogs howl.
Vern told me of his friends encounter with the howling. There
yere tyO guys that went "to check out the tales. After ~etting to
the t~p of the picnic are~ ~nd yaitin~ for the sun to set, they
began to call Witch Hecate. At first there was no reply, so .,
they called lowder and loudpr. Finally in the distance they
could hear something. The sound got louder and louder until
L :{, /, /,;(. I ~~
they were sure it was the sound of dogs. They sat and listened
for awhile, the howling got closer and closer, by this time
they knew the ~ogs were very close and must have been very
large dogs.
Both of them set new speed records for running down out
of Spri~g Hollow and driving out of Logan Canyon. Neither one
has any desire to return.
Lonnie Allen
HyruM, Utah
Intra. ta Folklore
Fall 1981
Michael Carlisle
Logan, Utah 84321
Legend: "St. Ann's Retreat"
Michael Carlisle is my son. He was born in Brigham City, Utah, December 17,
1961. We moved to Logan when he was four years old and he received a
High School education in the Logan City School District. Presently he
is employed at Morton-Thiokol Chemical Company, is married and has a
baby boy.
Contextual Data: Michael heard this story while attending Logan High.
He and his friend Scott would double date and sometimes take their dates
up Logan Canyon and park at the site of St. Ann's Retreat. To frighten
their dates and perhaps encourage a little cuddling they would tell the
girls this story.
Text: Hedika was the head nun of St. Ann's Retreat, which was a nunnery.
It was her responsibility to keep things running smoothly. Sometimes
groups of miners and sheepherders would travel through and associate with
the nuns. Any babies that were born, Hedika would dispose of. She got
so sick of this terrible duty, and so aggravated with the misbehavior of
her sister nuns that she went crazy and killed all the nuns also. Then
she lived alone in the nunnery with a large group of dogs until she died.
Now when people drive down the canyon at night,sometimes they will see her
large pack of wild dogs standing beside the highway, with their eyes reflecting
in the headlights. Those who are brave enough to park at night near the
nunnery will hear the wild dogs howling and Hedika's voice mourning and
I asked Michael if he believed the story. He told me the
he did believe was that it was a nunnery. I asked him if
on the girls--if they wanted to cuddle after hearing it.
"It depended upon how much they liked us."
only part that
the story worked
He replied,
Colleen Carlisle
Logan, Utah
Utah State University
English 459
Spring, 1984
- -
( )
I (
Urban Legend
Informant Data:
~I J
Troy Anderson
Providence, Utah
Summer 1978
Troy Anderson was born March 23, 1966 in Logan, Utah.
His family moved away shortly after. They moved back to Cache
Valley when Troy was in the Fourth Grade. He was not a member
of the Mormon Church but became acquainted with their teachings.
Contextual data:
While sleeping-out in the back yard of a friend's, the
conversation turned to ghost stories. The story I am about
to tell was told to me and one other, by a friend.
If you go up Logan Canyon to 3rd dam and cross the bridge
-k L~
into the Spring Hollow area or go the Q,Yarry up Providence
Canyon, you can summon the Devil's wife, her name is Heckada.
My friends's brother's girlfriend's brother had a friend
that did this very thing. He and a date went up to the Spring
Hollow area, for some romancing. After being turned down he
got out of the car and yelled the phrase "Heckada, come get me".
this was the saying that you needed to say to get Heckada to
appear. After saying it a few times he returned to the car.
His date was scared, which was his main intention for doing
the little prank, or so he thought.
After a few minutes of sitting there they began to hear
dogs barking, they looked up and saw a green glowing chariot
L). ,/' J ~. I . ~ Lj
pulled by six wolves, and a mistress with long flowing hair
at the reins.
At about the same instance the doors locked, the boy and
date was pretty scared by this time so the boy tried to get the
car started but it seemed like the battery was dead, nothing
would start or no lights would come on. By this time the wolves
were on the hood of the car clawing at it and growling. The
mistress stared into the boy's eyes and said "I have come for
you" . The boy freaked out and didn't know what to do, the girl
was screaming and crying. Then the boy remembered to say "In
the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave", at the very
instance of saying that, the mistress and her wolves dissappe2 r ed.
The boy then started the car and returned to Logan.
Upon returning to his date's house they looked at the hood
and saw scratches that the wolves had left.
Troy Anderson
Providence, Utah 84332
Utah State University
Engl/Hist 124
Winter Quarter 1987
Comments: The underlying meaning is that the boy is being agressive, and the
girl is refusing, just like society wants to see and hear it. This refusal frustratesl
the boy, which in turn makes him bring terrible things upon him and the girl. And
at the end of the story there will be a negative image 0n sex, so it is not quite so
attractive the next time.
L:(. /, I~. /. t.j
"Witch Hackety"
Logan, Utah
January , 1983
I was born and raised in Idaho on a farm in a community
called Egin . I lived near my grandparents who were of
Scandinavian and Eng~ish ancestory . They waRd often tell stories
to me and all their grandchildren whenever we were with them .
This built a love in me to hear stories and I became fond of
history and folklore .
I am now attending U. S. U., majoring in Elementary Education
with a minor in Social Studies . Several quarters back , I took a
storytelling class . We often told stories to each other and it
was in t his class that one of the students , Polly Baugh from
Smithfield, related this story . She made the atmosphere in the
room very eerie--lights out and a candle burning , etc . I will
retell the story to the best of my memory .
There is a particular canyon near Preston where an old
Catholic monast~ry can be found . It was abandoned after a
particular event had taken place there .
During the summer time , many nuns would go up to the
monastery for a break or for workshops or other reasons . This
one time there was a nun who was quite contanckerous . She was
really against one nun and was always arguing wi th her , backbiting
, or fighting .
Outside one building was a cement swimming pool . (I think
it was either the mess hall or the sleeping quarters!) One
night these two nuns started arguing and wrestling around the
pool . The nicer of the two accidentally pushed the mean one
into the pool and she hit her head on the bottom of the pool
which killed her . This really scared the one nun and she ran
and got the Mother Superior . They didn ' t want to raise a fuss
in the camp and so the two of them hauled her body up the
canyon in the early morning hours and dropped her body over the
edge of some cliffs . No one really missed this nun because no
one really associated with her . They figured she had just got
discusted and left the camp .
The next night after the drowning , the one nun couldn ' t
sleep very well . The wind was blowing and something kept
banging at her door . She finally got up and looked out and
near the pool she could see this mean nun and she had two mean
dogs on a leash whose eyes were burning green and the nun looked
like a witch with red eyes . She started laughing at the nun
which scared her all the more . It was a very wicked laugh at that .
The dogs were barking and snarling with foam at their mouths .
When the nun looked out again , they were gone .
This happened several nights in a row. Sometimes they would
also see this image with a lantern walking along the cliff~s
edge where the body had been thrown .
One night the wind started blowing really hard again and
there was a slight rain . Again the nun could hear things banging
on her door . She looked out and saw this mean nun with her
dogs . As she laughed uncontrolably , she took the lantern she was
holding and flung it at the building . The lantern broke and burst
into flames . The fire got out of control due to the wind .
1-.~. I, /;l,. I. ;)S'
Due to the damage of the fire and other circumstances , i t was
decided that the monastBry would be closed down . It hasn ' t
been opened since .
Since that time , it has been a fa vorite spot for many
teenages to go to and scare each other to death . One night
Polly and a bunch of her friends decided to drive up the
canyon and take a look at the place . They had two cars and a
When they arrived , they were all brave souls and got out
wi t h their flashlights (it was after dark ), and started
walking towards the buildings yelling "Witch Rackety , Witch
Rackety!" Suddenly the lights on their cars and pickup went
out . This really scared them and so they -' started running
back to the outfits . (They had parked them where the dtrt road
had ended .) They worked on all of them trying to get the lights
to go back on . One of them turned on and then they finally got
another pair of lights to go on after working on it for what
seemed a long time . They never could get the pickup lights to
go back on . They decided to drive out of there (fast) with the
pickup between the two cars that had lights on them that worked .
When they finally got back to the main highway , mysteriously the
pickup lights autimatically turned back on .
Trudy Neilson
ID 83445
Logan , Vt . 84321
St . Anthony ,
Rist . 423 , U. S. U.
Winter 1983
"Saint Anne's Retreat"
Informant data:
Marsha Jenkins
Pine Glen Cove,
Logan Canyon
June of 1978
Retold October of 1983
Marsha Jenkins is from Newton, Utah. She was born and raised
there and was affiliated with the M.I.A. program in the Newton
ward for several years for the L.D.S. Church. She was a camp
leader and accompanied the girls to a Young Womens camp held at
Pine Glen Cove about 9 miles up Logan Canyon. We'd all gather
around the fire place in the big lodge before going to our cabins
to tell and listen to stories. This was the one that really got
to us!
Pine Glen Cove was previously known as "St. Anne's Retreat"
because each summer a gr oup of Nun s from the Catholic Chur ch
would visit the retreat for relaxation and meditation. Until
the tragedy.
The radio's and television sets blared with the news that an
escaped convict was wandering through Logan Canyon. He had one
hook arm add was armed with a dangerous weapon. People were
warned to stay clear of the canyon and to stay inside where they
were sa~ e. The nuns, however didn't have any contact with the
outside world. That very evening one of the sisters was missing.
The other sisters looked around as much as they could but decided
she was just meditating or that she had gone back to her cabin
early. The next morning she still hadn't returned. They looked
most of the day but found nothing.
That evening as some of the Nuns were praying, they heard a horrible
scream. They ran directly outside to see what the trouble was and
there was the missing Sister ... Bloody and floating in the swimming
After that episode they sold the retreat.
never :Eo.und.
The escaped ~onvict was
Andrea Benson
Newton, Utah
History 124
Fall 1983
L ).' t / f /::?, I , I
Sa/at /J/J/Js lfe6r~t"
~o« tVa //a c ~
A q9Cl/7 I (/6.-
..::::z:: C/O/.) /6 /"eCl/& ,5'hoV<./ /??uch a~
ScoCi" ' /k Go/cI /he ~ ,,6e 8/"'-c"c.u- C/r:' //7
A?JCtn I d-- ~f'//c a /06' of 6/"/:n<9 eo/??p/~
up /n -c/;e CO/lSC/7 cuhen he~..j ---Sf oV/?8 e " .
.He //OUJ £eClc,hes;:: .s.c/?cxy/ //7 U/e/hc/l·//~.
/f;f!!j oseol -to £f?// c:.oIS ~,J' cu);//e ea/n~/.n3 r //7 de O;eo... / ~ SCCtre eQc~ o-cher.
c-0//7G 4/7/7S /fec/"r:?CZ£ ~ 0/7 Qrea...
w,,6e/'~ -c,fe (?a-c~o~ "c /V'uns ()- P/,e/sc c.vevlol
racaV'a/7 //) -c/7c:> SV/}?/?7e". (}/Je .sOQ;JQ/{;?1'" a...
/VV/7 /lCi./7?eo/ .Yste/' A/?/7 /-e// //J /0 UP w/ '-ch Q
?/e/.s£. 7/?~ ~ad a c~/d rhccc 61W Xe;tJ6
~/o/ok/J ,Je,e . ykre C2. Ck'[-r bac/ /-Ire)
01-. A/J/J CU?/JC /// -cO ~ V:J .s2:1oe -Me 04/"/ c/
;;ft-!Cf Ufl?re -6ro/;o~ "" b:xA /na:51e)- ). (!A/ /01
~c/. ..LC /$ SQ/c/ ~~acj /I/?/:) ,/7dG<./
cuo//[.s- c2/w/7o/ ~v/?v11 -c;he CZ/".eCl. eu;'-c..4'
~e/' e~//ci //7 ~tP/ Q/'/nS .
{/I 'cl(y /(u/s I ' <.
Cj)/'ClI(jC) II / 6c.x; 35
JOjQ/n I uJ-.
L :? I I.. I~. r ~
Tim Keller
Logan, Utah
November 12, 1982
Tim was born in Preston, Idaho and has lived there all of his
life. He is a member of the L.D . S. church and is presently attending
Utah State University. Tim likes modern cars and he is also
a good waterskier.
Contextual Data:
I learned this item from Tim after I asked him if he'd heard
any stories of St. Anne's Retreat. Tim heard this story from his
friend's mother who has lived in Logan for some tir.le. This is the
story as he related it to me.
Up Logan Canyon there is an old Catholic Convent. It consists
of several cabins and there is also a swimming pool. This convent
is abandoned now but nuns used to occupy it. The Hother Superior,
or whatever it is, the head nun who was over the nuns who lived up
there , was supposed to be kind of sadistic. She would lock her
nuns in their cabins and leave them there for no one knows how long .
There are scratches on the cabin walls with blood stains where the
nuns tried to claw their way out.
Terri Keller
Preston, Idaho
Legends/ Hyths and
Fall quarter, 1982
L , -/;;f, / ,.3
! ! I
, '
Ghost Story
Launee Fo-wler
her house
.'larch 25, 19:31
This story .. c::.s told to me by La ',ln6e .Fowler, rr;y :;]utual adviser. The
story use:l. to be toU to tne girls up at a ;irls car:;p in Logar. Car.yon.
All of the girls kne~ it wasn't tr~e, but it used to scare the~ quite
badly, beca~e the incident was supposed to have happened close to
where the:'l were. The story was told when Launee went to' ca::r? in the
early 1970's.
Launee is 24 and lives at in Bountifcl, Utah.
She is the mother of two.
"They l.l.Sed to tell us this story wnan we were up at girls
camp. You know where Logan Canyon is 7 o'\'ell, there's this old
building where they use.:i to send the nuns for surncner vacation.
There was ttis one nun who had a golden ar~. One day when
she was the only one there, a guy carne in, killed her, and stole
her golden arm and the other valuables.
I,ow the nun is supposed to be out walkins a::,ou.."l3 at night
looking for her arm. She goes up to people beg~in; for it.
It used to scare us because the nurillery was just over the hill
from where we were."
EO'JIltiful, Juh
Soutj Javis Junior High A 14 1+ \ <::>\1) K..~ FA lIZ-L
~ I I. /:? I. Lj .
"The Baby in the Fireplace"
Informant data:
Logan, Utah
1974 (approx.)
I was born May 24, 1960 in Logan, Utah, to parents of English
ancestry. I lived in California for six years, then we moved back
to Logan. I was educated in the Logan City Schools, and am currently
a senior at Utah state University majoring in music. I am a member
of the L.D.S. church and enjoy tennis, raquetball, skiing, camping,
and music of all kinds. I am currently serving as the Young
Women's camp specialist for my stake.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Contextual data:
I heard this story while I was attending a girl's camp at Camp
Lomia in Logan Canyon. Our whole group had gathered in the lodge,
which is where this story is supposed to have taken place. The fact
that we were in that place made the story even scarier to us. As
soon as the meeting was over, we ran out of the lodge and back to
our tents as fast as we could. I'm not sure the story is actually
true, but it was told as a true story and all of us believed it at
the time. It was probably just told to scare us to death, and it
worked: Ever since then, I have told the story to other groups and
in other situations, but it seems like I always get the best reaction
from the audience when I tell it in the lodge. This shows
me how important a role the setting can play in the telling of a
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Many years ago, before cabins were built at Camp Lomia, the
girls used to sleep in bunk beds in the upper story of the lodge.
One night the girls were awakened by the sound of a baby's cry.
They couldn't tell where the sounds were coming from, but every
night they were there they heard the same cries. Finally, the
girls became so terrified that they had to leave camp early. Even
after the girls were home, however, they were still very frightened
and many of them started having nightmares. The families of these
girls decided to conduct a search of the lodge to see if they could
locate the source of the cries. A group of men went up one night
and waited in the top floor of the lodge. Just after midnight, the
cries of a small baby could be heard clearly by everyone present.
It seemed to fill the entire room. The men finally determined that
the cries were coming from the fireplace at one end of the room.
Upon closer inspection, they foudn that one of the stones was loose.
L ~ I /, )~. /,
They removed the stone and found the skeletal remains of a newborn
baby. It was later learned that the lodge had once been used as a
retreat for Catholic nuns. Apparently, one of the nuns had been
pregnant and had gone to the lodge to have her baby. Unable to
face the humiliation of her situation, she buried the newborn alive
in the fireplace.
Annette Pack
Logan, Utah
Utah State University
History 124
Fall Quarter 1981
L~ , /11 / ~ A / • S- P ~
V'\k~('~e L;f\J ley
- --+- - -- - Lo'1 C\- C\ U +C\.-V\ -
Oct I ':)c t «{ S ;3
Vc\\er;e. L/V\ch \€.y ~~ I q Y ~OJ'~ Q V\ l\ C+
'50 17 ~ 0 I~O V' l.- ~ ~ U to. ~\ L) t--o. t e () y\ \' ve V'5 I't- '( f
7~e WCL5 hof'n C~V\G\ f'Q;7'4\ 1" Wc:l/$\L;I\L-qi\('~
t) qVYleiYlpe l" of the. LpS Chu(ch .. 1: Wo,5
q1- hef' o.po.,tmeVlt G.V\<A \NC{5 5C\y; nJ 50Yheth~IY\J
qb()ut 5-a,;Vl.t Q"r\5 Re-1- r e<\'t vJhtfL "5he 5q;J tha.l
She K()ew Q")+OI'Y qp>out l'1- o\V\~ t-h,'.s i, t't.
T ~ere.. wa.s 0,)'\ €j <:'01\\1 ;c.t .f ~OiY\ f-he
fi<'J\To,,\ H'o)p\tU.\ ;" P,....ovo .. 1\ ~eV'e Wa,5 q (\Vf\f1eV'y
1/ p a.. t 5tl ClO'\Vl5 C\ Y\(;\ ~e We-At (/ p rh.-e,v-e. _ /+e '10 t
<1. VI u V\ p f'e 1 V\ <:{ V\ t q V\ c.\ K' \ \ \ e. c\ Cl e 0 (/ j> \ 'e 0 1-~ e V' :5
J rt
-t-I\er. dI5C\.ppeo..v"s. )~~ .nv(\ h.~l\ r~e Cl.V\cA
cArC \A/vle.J. '\\ ;V\ t~e evol 0.1'\0. t~~re. 4~ 5u?p05e~
t() lYe b load 5+c{\ (\5 5t d\ c Y\ + he bo ttc> IJI). if A ~ Y\ v V\
wer\l- c,rq -z:..y o.~c\ went Vp ;Y\~towel' QJ\c,\ l~veJ"
j-he, th()£/qht tho:'\- she. wetS Q(\cA CCl\JY\~ c\.OW(\ o.n~
k ;It e J Q \ \ +- h eo+-her h J 1\ ~, 5'he h a,d +iA lo w h' \ \--e.
do ~e.r f\l\C\{\S C\i'\c,\ it yo u 40 ue th~{'e C\Ao\ 5e.e
tbeir- eyes Cjlow/'V\j <:jf'eeV\)Of' i{ yoUS~e... her-e.
ye <; l' low 'I h 3 up" 1'\ -t- k. e +0 GV 'e Y' i- h. e tI you w ~ 1\ h c::d--
(Y\C\ k e t 1- 0 v t- <) et he Cq 1'\ yo Y\ a. \ \ v ~ ..
L~ ,I, /~, 1 .. 7
I •
-------;- =-------==-- ~
--- --____ Idt-L - - 7 - f-~--
Scott R. Peterson
Library, USU
Feb. 8, 1984
St. Ann's Retreat
Informant data:
Scott Peterson has lived in Logan for most of his life. He
is 22, an LDS returned missionary and a student at USU. He
is a political science major and plans on attending law
school the fall of 1985.
Contextual data:
I collected this item while I was in the library studying
with Scott. Since he is a native of Logan I thought he
would probably know the story of St. Ann's retreat. I asked
him to tell me his version after hearing one of his friends
tell another version. The three of us were sitting in the
library together when Scott told us this story. Scott does
not believe this story to be true. He thinks that something
probably did happen at the retreat, but he has no idea what
it was.
They had a bunch of nuns killed up there [St. Ann's
Retreat] • On a certain occasion some marshalls went to
investigate it, and when they arrived they found one nun who
was lacking an ar~ and had a golden one instead. When they
got there she was crouched over one nun finishing her off
with a hatchet. They tried to apprehend her, and she ran
off into the hills and was never found. She is still up
there and that is why you shouldn't go.
Lisa Canfield
Logan, utah
Winter 1984
Superstition Folk Belief
Informant Data:
Logan, Utah
aul'/ 5, 84
Mark Waite~ 18~ was born in Logan, Utah. He attended Logan
High School and graduated in 1984. His father is a bi ·shop. He
loves to go four wheeling.
Conte:.: tual Data:
Mark heard this story last year when he went camping with the
Boy Scouts. He heard it from a guy named Steve Goodson. Steve
was in the story himself.
* * * * * * * *
On one winter night~ Steve and his friend were coming back
from four wheeling and snowmobiling. It was about midnight when
they went through Saint Ann's. Steve tried to start the truck~
but it wouldn't start. After about five minutes, they saw a nun
appear with a Doberman and she pointed in their direction for the
Doberman to attack them. After the first Doberman was attacking
the truck~ they saw the nun disappear and reappear with another
one until there were six of them. Steve eventually got his truck
started and drove away. When Steve got home, his parents thought
he had rolled the truck over, because there were scratches and a
broken wi ndo~'-J. He told them the story and they all went up there
the next day, but they found nothing.
Chi:"lu N. Lam
History 124
L::;ummet- , :l 984
L;J, ./, /~. / .. 9
r:1nJ .
"c. V e;.r ~ t 0 ~.,
Lc:Je-.... J e..p sf. A'1r1; f{.eh .. f-
ft...p-l-t..-- thc:)'" /'l1ovC1J up kJq/l CcrzYOY1; -fh~re: (..v'a.F 0-
-fi:t...J ~ /her..! C:Vl d a bout 1"'>0;- 20 /f/<{NU. On e o-P fJ,e tc.. . hcy..!
A.:. J A,:; ~ <!!ye On ol'7c o-P -me Ahll"l J J J he (A./CU "loJt f?? you~
a",d p,..-e-Hy. Dl1e /ltjJ,f he cu/r'!d he/ -In ;)cv /J(~ our
&/1 h C<. ..;;; <.J i-h I '?J.J a /1 c!. he en cI ~ d v/' r-a.j:7 I ~ h <: r •
.5h~ 1h~ 3"+5 ~rCY('74f o",d ..shc. doc.sr1<-/ da.-rc: hI! Ct'1j/in"Jy she. 1h ... V)~+ th<..y '-4oulJ lJ1I~k. shr: h. .. J ;o~vc.h~ h,~}
he (,J <4.J .5(.nh a... :3 Q. b J fl'1cc..-J. /9n)/ t-'c<y th C r(:-..s +- 0 j2 f-h c /f/'l....J
sh~/leJ he,,- b< .she t..f<CJ -.56 ~r-tII;Y .. WhCVl ,'; hCC<l--n(!
Co b,v;ot.l.; .s he tJc..J vvtih ch; IJ/ ~""evyOvt(> ...s kune J h~r-) So sht.:
fy-/~J hili'?; 1,c:..5 -h:. ct"C;?/,.:", /f; buf ~ /10 "Y1~ 0o(.l/J 6<-.I,,,,,~ ~~r.
50 she C/lJ~ ur :J6/0 qc...-V c.J1"" I~ fJz /'?7ou-lr.jq,;',p- 0'1 J hqv~:V
t?- bA 7- be. y. 5 J, c. rer$ S e J }II~ a'1 J "-c./ he /} h (-~ 0/ cf (-YZ0"J h
she ~1I.s h,y't<J the ..f~7/ "",1",,4 e..,.n;..J~.s h/~ .. Ourl~ 7n1:..r
-hntc she ~'i.r -Ivrned A~ c.. svC'c;:.f- .J I.-I 1-0 0. hcr-h-.-c:d
V<J;lc.h. s::. she ~ ~/'tnJ' 0.. ~y -{!O,... tnz.Y'>1. -f.t:, IT';;I --tk ~ ;ar/c.-J-t-,
me: 60 y '7hC:/l :10<:: J da<-J'1.. O<-? d /,,/IJ -IJ, olcf prz;"'J+ CUI cf
7h'CYl -t'nc.y Jrtll <t'VL~7c.>Y1(;: el.H "'r fhr:::r-c:. The 1C;;CY7c1 ,:J0C"J
--!-h~f. -/he bc;Y ~".f VC'7 ::Por7d of} dO:JJ and ~o li ld sick inc.Y?1
6vl Cto/O-'1C ih",,+ CCtn?C ur --!nere. 50 -the. f'Vtc,h1cr- 4"1d " '':'1''(
hofh. dee of old cvc-/ bJ+ he"' .5tJ'''-'+.J 0-/2 -the. d~.JJ/YJ-tufhrr Q'Ici
50>"'l ctrc: s+Z1l ro~I"""I~ orovVlci".I~ yc.:,J;10 up +her~ ine
cLjs 5/,',;,,+s J ef- you ct"l d ch~v y<:Jo.J up" b<..l+ Je"'-vl!' yo u -10
b~ A, 'I/c.J hy he /"t~ inc:,..~
L . I, /~. J. /0
I Lejend
li fJ(? : I-e.;e:n" c:.+' Sf. An/}';' Rc +reo. f .
C,'r'\dy 13clrbvr:J
LO:Jal1, U+c. h
/ /18/ 83
In..[;,.(rJrA. +\lIe D~ +.:.. :
C'rldy Echbv,) i,s ~ -h-,~J and nejl,6or ~r c. l<>-r)) -h"me J
5'h~'f\tjr hu~j' c.t.+ Q/1d is a. Yr. ,~ CG/le..Jc:. ~
~e,- ethn'c G\1"Ic.esh--r IS' .s(.J~edl:sh Q/)d her hc:.bhl·e.,S" l~cI(JJc
phc~ 0.111 0...".-1- • .she:' ~"lJ /o <:>r rJ , '(1 III,".-toi,s I bv+ W<l.J rCl.L~cJ
)n Lo~a'l .
CO~~~{ D4+o. ',
L coil<.:c.-I-t/ hi::' I~j e'>1d (...)hr:n vv-.! G-/Cre s,f+,n..; a.round
-h:11,'~ Joke.Jj And ye,y'J~bCY' +hilt+- -this (,...Jov(J be :3~ c> J ~.'
f-hc -f'o/J.r.!c,rc. clcu$ ... :r1J heq,.J /0+05 c..f V(-rJI"ns he..(:;u-c; these
(r/e .. ~ fv..,o ef fire be..sf.
She -hrs+ hc .. ,..J -fheJc"e-..s I;' hty ~ schoo I ~j,<'YJ 50/1'1 e
61dc-r- JVY.s (G-vy::I::.ssacso r) -fhqf like +0 +",l\e. .J·,rloS up
the C<Io"y,,/L +0 -h,j.J' p lCl.c.e G,.,d Scare: -/n<.-yYI,.2:+ 1$ SCQry Ish..: -Sctl' J,I
becq(lsC" I+S' 0/'1 a..s -.ver; cJ p{Qce c .... 'l cJ t'hc..--rc. Glrl! doj,s'up 7-h(:'y-<::, ..
I hy
..z- rec:o.--cicJ two. \/C'('"s;"I1S o-P +-hij le"I:"J ~Y>1. C~dy~
Tex'" :
The !eYC-l1d bey'I"..s -fh-~+ c.a.c.hc 'Vq,1t<::7 w<tSn'+ ~vf'\deJ
r'1or/Y1ons/ b ur hy fnc CCi.'fhc/'-cJ rluf se+- tt.p 0, .srnq /1
II';JJ<t.J ~ here. ThC'/1 /he A1o"''''~Q//J Cq."'1 1: II"') Of"d sef Ur' sho(lJ
r'l1. ... kc::;·I"'J'tnC. eo..n,c.r,c..) -Feel oV+- o-P plCK.e; becQ.vJ i: /Vlc./,;'17orlJ
(.,.Je r e ,So d;-Ptt:r-et'\t-. So +h~ ca.fhJ,~.j "'.JCV\+u~ L~Q/'l CCU?Y0rl/
1110...1-+ 6..(' wnun-t ("';C!r-c N un,S/ Q'1 d bv:lf Son1 t:. Cab:"s ~ *
7hcr~ (..vel./' a.. A/VYl Thq, -I /'lob.,.dy ,;I"C!J I G/'l J fn7 sy
nee+- she... vSl"d +-0 s/eer OV-D'<Jl1d w; -h, -f-'hc F.:c-l'hc:r5 0", d the
Plorrr10/1J ,;" fo<.A-I~1 a'l J of'1.c.(:' 1'1"1 a. ... A1~/e .J<I:I. aJ+ a/ld 8~-1- SQ/I'1t::.
SfJ1',Ps o-F booze. So the: n:..;-f of -fhe Nuns sh<.Jl"lIleJ ht:::.r
a.,., J u.s c d "'/-b J L"v'';: h <r:" r In c rb~ J 'o b oS -/-0 de a ro oJ 1'1 d -In C
c.Ctb(/I,S / ' I. "0::. Sc.rlJ b -t-I,<.:. ~IQ e>rJ 0"1-' J svch, S c> OAe dc~y -f-his Nol')
L.:(. /~ J~. J. II
~d he. J J·Vj.J- abou-t- e'l1ov.jh o~ h(;!,,-c h4SJ~).$ OI,-z ct
5tv.{.p. She (A.,r"-J GL de \f'~u...s N v t'l150 She (.A/(_"Yl-f a. 11111<:. erCl< z-y
OY')C nlyh+ cUld dec.;JeJ she (,.JoulJ je.-\- rid crP a.1l 0+ fh(;>~.
Sc> she. -look: so~e 1r~;Pcs/ fh~r 0.1{ slc-r+/'r, b •. 1I'l1:r5) she:
f 5~,...-hJ .5/d-,~ fh .... oQ.+s o..f r/ll'e NuY).s an J killed -fnC"Y"1. Q./I.
{Here I dc-f-a.'/.$ 0-1' f-he k,"/I,?J o.r"C o..dded by ("".A1ce./(.-r- iJ ~II;':J
the S.f-ory) She s'h II h .. J +'he F~thC'r.s +.:, k; If I fh 7 'd be
h."",.-c/cr be:co.vsc- ih7 t.../l.-rr.:. sfn.t"\.Jc-r I h .. rl- oh-""/c.-r- 0.--1' /-he tY"I.
She (.dCY1+ scn::",h'f'n..; ~ fhc-n:. f'"b6""'" f<' F .... fne-r/ h:.. -hc:,- c.cY"'1 C-therc-.
J ..Jc.~efh.~ f.,I'-/l'7>Y1j he<re \\ J Cl"l J a...! fhy C4~e oU+
shf! si,1 --tnerr In.,-oo.f..r .. Sb she... go";' ef.11 -the !n,d/eJ G"1d
du..J Glo h~/e three..; fhco"Yl ,;." She 7hc.."YI. I,vcl tne n::.s +-o+'
hey- I, h o<.J+- U(J f'here ..
NoL..l/ all the s~;r;h c+ inc. d~~J bod/c.:.J o...-z,d ht ... f- (
(lfvns 5;4;';" f o..rc: tit' -hH-V-C.... Sb J--f1 VoJ (Je up fl,e-,c:: your
r~U:: JS \ l"n V/ ; +h .5r ' 0j("; J....r I Q" cI --I1z ~ IV ''''1:.r Std. ,->t- do <=:S " / I (.,../l;f /J +
yqiJ Up tYz. er~ .
7hcrc. if cJ..s~ G... ..5<.A./In'1rnl:V (000 I -fh ... + J::,,,Ot -A:..'r!y rec:cY) H'y
b0·\\t up there c.A tnt:. ~o\c: fh • ..f.. ~~d d~<d bod/e.s /',.-, If.
Am. 1=0 Ilr/orr:
W 01 -h-r fU r 19li3
\' ~r ANN~ R.q~TII
tJ,"m Ames
HAY 4,94
, J
(AT nttS -PDINr , ASk-EO ~/H 1~ ·1lt1S
W A t> -rYlU.£ I HE TUJ2NEO Hi5 ~ ro
PIlC:£ H6 ,ttND S/11~ Yc.s. ~T fH\)1) *'tS
FRlEND5 c.fttvt£ INTO J8;5 ~t Gt+r IWTER..-
~ fNCi DENTJ vvt-hT"E As G-/tf;5r~D
EN&L 46q
U11t# S71frE UN I V .
Kevin Kartchner
Library, USU
Feb. 8, 1984
St. Ann's Retreat
Informant data:
Kevin Kartchner was born and raised in Logan, Utah. He is
22 years old, LDS, a returned missionary and majoring in
Contextual Data:
I collected this item while I was stu~ng in the library
with my fiance. Kevin is a friend of my fiance, and when I
asked Scott to tell me the legend of St. Ann's retreat, he
thought Kevin would know more about it. Kevin learned the
story in bits and pieces as he was growing up in Logan. The
only audience was Scott and me. After Kevin told his
version of the story, Scott told his ,and they compared
legends. Kevin does not believe that his story is entirely
true, but he does believe that something did happen at ST.
Ann's, and that at least part of his story is based on
truth. I used as m~ of Kevin's own words as I could as I
recorded the story in tonghand while he told it to me.
These cowboys were out on the range about 1920. There were
a bunch of nuns that lived up there. The cowboys that were
in the area were lonely and rowdy. They went up there [St.
Ann's Retreat] and raped and killed them.
Lisa Canfield
Logan, utah
Winter 1984
L..{ I. / ~. 1_ /3
Superstition Local Belief
Infot-mant Data:
Logan, Utah
Mark Fluckiger, 18, was born in Logan, Utah. His family
been members of the Mormon church. He recently went to Boot
in Fortknox, Kentucky. He likes to ride dirt bikes,
basketball and he used to be my co-pilot in races.
Conte:-: tual Data:
Mark heard this story from his neighbor.
from other people in different versions. He
He also heard it
seemed to believe
them all.
I collected this story while we were out dragging Main on a
Saturday night. We were bored of Main street and decided to do
something else. Mark suggested that we go up to Saint-Ann. We
didn't really know what it was, so he told us the story. (There
were five of us in the car)
::I< :I< * * * * * *
Saint-Ann was a nunery a long time ago. As Catholic, nuns are
not suppose to have sex or any relationship with male.
some nuns up at Saint-Ann had broke the rule and got pregnant.
When the babies were born, the nuns killed the babies by drowning
them in a pool in the back of Saint-Ann. Some of the nuns felt
guilty and killed themself also. Now, the nuns sometimes appear
back to visit the place. There is a watchman with two dobermans
and a gun to keep the public out.
Chau N. Lam
U.S.U. Campus
Hi f~;tory 12Lf.
Summer, 1984
L ;). I. I ~. /. I!
St. Anne's Retreat
Informant data:
Karen Oakden
Logan, Utah
October 6, 1983
Karen Oakden is my sister. She was born in Logan, Utah on April 12,
1961. She graduated from Utah State with a 2 year Secretarial degree.
She is of Swiss defent. She is presently employed at U.S.U. She is an
active member of the L.D.S. Church.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Contextual Data:
Karen heard this story when her and her friends were up driving in Logan
canyon one night. Her friends told her the story. They were all
scaring each other with scary stories. She was terrified, she spooks
easily. She related the story to me because I had a friend who spent
the night at st. Anne's Retreat.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Text: St. Anne's Retreat
At one time St. Anne's Retreat was used as a nunnery. The nuns lived far
away from everyone else so they got away with things other nuns could not get
away with. The nuns often found themselves pregnant. In order not to get in
trouble for doing things they shouldn't, they would drown their babies in the
swimming pool that is at the retreat. If you go up to St. Anne's Retreat in
Logan Canyon at night, you can still hear the babies crying.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Janet Rust
Logan, Utah
Utah State University
English 124
Fall 1983
L~, I, I~. I .. is
· - (
Saint Annis Retreat
Informant Data:
Tony Gil bert
Logan Canyon
August 1981
Tony is a friend live grown up with. He was raised in Lewiston,
Utah, on a dairy farm. ' He is active in the L.D.S. Church, which he
- is preparing to serve a mission for. He attended Utah State last year
n, n frp~hman. He is very talented as a musician and a dancer, and
has always b'een active in perfOrnIllg groups such as Calico 'D'arice '
Company, 'which he presently belongs to. He was on the Student Body
Council during all three of his high school years, and is very goodnatured.
Con'textual Data:
Tony related this story to me one night as we were driving home
ffom Pickleville Playhouse; which is ov~r on Bear Lake. I worked
there this summer as a p~rformer, and he had come over to watch me
on this particular night. He happens to know that I get scared very
easily, and driving through Logan Canyon at one o'clock in the
morning makes me even more jittery than usual. The story he told me
scared me to death, and I didn't dare drive through the canyon alone
for the rest of the performance season. I fact, I don't think I will
ever drive tbe canyon alone again!
"0nce not so long ago; Saint 'Ann I s was an active nunnery. There
were' dver a hundred nuns who lived there. and a priest who stayed
" there to \,!:!!(;h o'.'eY' them. WE'll, it tlJrned nut thp orlPst couldn't handle
the life of celibacy, I guess, so I guess he got fr~endly with some of
the nuns . Pretty soon the sound of cryi ng babi es fi 1.1 ed the air.
Actually, they were a l~t more discrete than that--the priest would just
go get the poor unfortunate victim real late at night and take her and
their baby down to the pond and drown them. Of course it was soon
noticed that several of the nuns were ,disappearing, and so one of the
nuns, who was very pure and had no idea what was going on, was asked
to investigate and see where they were disappearing to. So one night
she followed the priest and one of his favorite nuns down to the pond.
When she saw what he was doing, she yelled out and tried to jump on
him to save the poor nun and her child. But it was too late--they were
already dead. The priest was really scared this righteous nun he hadn't
been able to victimize and blackmail would tell on hjm, so he grabbed '
her by the neck and choked her to death. Then he threw her body into
the pond.
The next mornin§, they found her body--and the priest was gone!
They searched for him for a long time, but so far, they have not found
him. They say the nuns that were killed are still roaming around up
in thp r~nvnn lnnkinn fnr ~ w~vtn rpvpnnp him--~nrl thpv ~lsn sav that
if you kneel down and look into the pond-from t~e right' angle, you can
still see the body of the righteous nun floating in the pond."
(Thi~ is verbatim, as I had him repeat it to me for this report.)
Dana Erickson
Richmond, Utah 84333
Logan, UT 84321
Utah St~te University
Folklore/English 124
Fall 1981
L- :<., /. I ~. I. It,
"St . Anthony ' s"
Logan , Utah
Annette r:alous lives on Logan, Utah.
She vvas born .i.arch 15 , 1965 in Chicago , Illinois . Annette
attended school in Logan , Utah . She graduated fro~ Logan
::i gh School . Annette ' s father is a practicing attorney in
logan, Ctah and her Elother is a school teacher . ;:)he is currently
a student at Jtah State University. "1nnette enjoys
skiing and other outdoor activities . ,she ' s a active me:nber
of the.-resbyterian Church.
Annette Collected this story when she was in high school.
The boys VJQuld al\vays take the girls up to St. Anthony ' s
and tell them this story . The reason the guys would tell the
story was to scare the girls so that they would cuddle up
closer to the:::-n . The story was always very enjoyable to the
boys to watch the girls get scared. The girls always were
scared because usally they were up at St . Anthony ' s and the
setting would always start the:n hearing strange noises and seeing
the red eyes of the Dov9:r:man .
Along time ago before there was a road up to St . Anthony's
(St. Anthony ' s is a nunnery up in Logan canyon. It has
a lot of big buil dings and a swimming pool . ) A certain man
would bring supplies up to the nuns once a month on his mule.
There were five nuns that lived there . Once he came up during
the night and he couldn ' t fined anybody. So he started
wandering around looking for them finally he found four of
the nuns dead in the swi,l1Ining pool. He then started looking
for the other nun, because he thought she might be in
trouble . Then all of a sudden he saw her up on top of the
,110untain with a dovernman dog with red eyes . So then he
knew that she was still alive and her name was Hexal . She
then started to chase him so he jumped on his mule and started
to head back to Logan as fast as he could .
Now you can go up at night and they say you can see the red
eyes of the dovernman .{ everyone claims they have seen them .)
Karie Chatlin
Bountifui, Utah 84010
Utah State University
Fall , 198J
L:(. 1/ 1;(. I .17
"St. Ann's Retreat"
Informant Data:
Robert Schwanavelt
Logan, Utah
February 8, 1983
Robert Schwanavelt was born in Logan, Utah summer of 1966. He is
currently attending Logan High School and works part-time at El Sol
Mexican Restaurant as a dishwasher. Robert is kind of a rowdy fun
loving guy and said he enjoys scaring girls. He is a member of the
Mormon chuch, but is inactive and apathetic toward it.
Contextual Data:
I collected this item from Robert at El Sol whenre:i I also work. He
asked me if I knew of a nunnery up Logan Canyon, and if so, did I know
any stories related to it. He had just gone there the night before
with a friend and a couple of girls to try and scare them. I knew this
would be a great opportunity to prime him for a collector story so I
asked him instead, what he knew of it, and turned on a tape recorder.
Robert learned about the nunnery (St. Ann's Retreat) from some friends that
had gone up there two or three days earlier. The following is a verbatim
transcription from a tape.
Me and my friend took these two girls up to the nunnery I heard about
to try and scare them you know; I guess what it is up there was a
place for pregnant nuns to go away and stay so they wouldn't shame the
churbh. There was supposed to be this one young nun named Anna or
something and they locked her up in this cabin. She had a bunch
of dogs as pets.
When she had her baby, I guess he grew up and went crazy and killed
his Mom and dogs and a bunch of other people cause he found out he
was a bastard. Anyway I don't believe all that crap about it so we
went to scare girls just for the fun of it.
We parked my car on the side of the highway by where there's a gate
thats locked closed that goes across a bridge and then up to it.
We went to the first building that looks like a castle and all of a
sudden one of the girls screamed and said she seen something running
through the bushes. We laughed and said she was crazy, but then I
heard something too. We went back to the car except I stopped and looked
back and there was a big dobber man pinscer just standing there looking
at me. Except I know it was a real dog, it wasn't no spirit.
Monty Hedin
Logan, UT
Folklore 423
Winter 1983
"The Haunted Convent"
Jay Wilson
Logan, Utah
November 28, 1980
Jay Wilson, 19, was born and raised in Midway, Utah. He
is a member of the L.D. S. church. He is an avid snowmobiler
and loves to ski. He is presently ~sophomore at Utah State
University majoring in Ag. mechanics.
Jay heard this story at a party his first year up at
Utah State. There were both girls and boys at the party and
many "scary-!' stories were circulating around that night. Jay
was surprised when the Old Hyrum part was put in because that is
a story that circulates around the region he lives in, (Wasatch and
Summi t Co.).
There used to be a convent up in Logan, Canyon. It's closed down
now because of what happened there. There was this insane man that came,
some say it was Old Hyrum (but thats another story), and he murdered eleven of
the twelve nuns that were at the convent. He put them in a swimming
pool they had there. The twelth nun foundthem and as a result committed
suicide . If you go there at night sometimes you can see the twelth nun
wi th her dog wandering around. Some say they have even heard her crying.
Jan Taggart
Morgan, Ute
Utah State University
English 124
Fall, 1980
L :<. I. ) ~. /. 19
, .
Spring Hollow Witch
Informant Data:
Vicki Anderson
Logan, Utah
Febru.ary 11, 1980
Vicki lived aroun~ the Intermoun ain region most of
her life. She attended Utah State University and now
lives and works in Logan. Vicki is an active member of the
Mormon church with an Irish-English ancestry.
Contextuc'll Data:
I was asking a group of girls about folklore concern-ing
Logan Canyon. Vicki related this story who had heard
it from a friend who's brother had been there. This story
was told and retold ~mong friends simply to scare each other.
While Vicki was telling thts sto""y the group that was
listening could hardly sit still, many had additions and
Up the canyon there is an old convent called St.
Ann's Retreat. Supposedly there is a witch who lives
there called Witch Hekady. This is supposed to be the witch
of a nun who killed herself at the convent along time ago.
Witch Hekady usually haunts the Spring Hol[ow Campground.
One night two hig~SChOOl boys were up there and started taunts to the witch. She didn't like this at all,
dogs started howling and lights came roll'ng off the hill.
1- :<, /, )~. J. ~ O
1 )
The boys got scared and decided to get out of there. but
the car wouldn't start. So tney started pushing as fast
as they could. The car didn't start until they were out
of the campground.
Caryn Wunderman
River Heights, Ute
Huntsville, Ala.
American Folklore
Wjnter 1980
I '
L i
TITLE: Witch Hekida
Kaylene Kidman
Logan ~ Utah
November 11 ~ 1983
Kaylene Kidman was born on December 11, 1963, in Logan, Utah. She
has lived in Idaho and Wyoming. She moved back to Utah 15 years ago
and has lived here ever since. She attended grammer school, junior
high and graduated from Logan High School. She belongs to the L.D.S
Church and is an active member. Her ancestors are from England , Scotland,
Germany and Ireland. She's the oldest of three brothers and two sisters.
She r ecently is planning to be married. She is the receptionist/secreLary
at Orrni Data International. Her hobbies are cooking and sewing; she
enjoys all sports and loves to travel.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kaylene heard this story from a friend when they were in high school.
She and her friend were on ther way to Hitch Hekida's when her friend
told her this story. Kaylene said she was really spooked. When they
walked up the dirt road heading towards the cabin the lights turned on
and no one was there. She said she was really scared. , I've heard alot
of stories about this place, so when our class was talking about this
particular story I decided to ask a few people what they knew about it.
Kaylene seemed really scared just telling me about it, especially
having had the lights turn on in the cabin when she was there . After
she told me the story she said, "Doesn't it just give you the creeps?"
And you know what? It really does! I went to work later and I was
in the office by myself. I kept hearing noises, and it was really
scarey just thinking about it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * *
One night there was this boy and his girlfriend who wanted to go up
to St. Ann's retreat and park. When they got up there the girl noticed
there was a green light hovering over the swimming pool. She didn't
pay much attention to it, until it seemed to be getting closer and
closer. She called it to the attention of her boyfriend. They noticed
as it got closer, that they could make out the figure of Hitch Hekida
in the green mist.
L ~./, /:(. /. ~ /
~ :: I I
( Witch Hekida came up to the car and started pounding on the windows
and clawing at them. They locked the doors and just watched in horror.
Finally, Witch Hekida went away. They then attempted to start the car,
but it had gone dead. They waited for a while but nothing happened.
The boy decided he would have to go for help He told her to lock the
door and lay on the floor, and not to let anyone in but him.
After a while she fell asleep. All of a sudden someone was pounding on
the window just like before. She looked out the window and saw a policeman.
She opened the door. He asked her what her name was and then told her
not to turn around. She turned around anyway and there hanging in a
tree by his feet was her dead boyfriend.
Liz Johnson
Logan, Utah 84321
Utah State University
L :.<. ,/, I~ . J • ~ I
Vern Larson
Bensori, Utah
November, 1981
~ern Larson yas born in Benson, Utah and has lived there
for the. las~ ' 27 · years. Vern is in his last year of school
at U.S.U.~ majoring in Engineering. Af-tee-graduating he
plans to leave Utah and make some money.
8eing raised on his fathers farn, he knoys that is not
the life for him, though he does enjoy hunting and fishing.
I was talking with Vern and some other friends one afternoon
when someone gegan telling ghost stories. Vern yas full of
them that da;. I don't think I have ever heard so many tales
from one person.
One particular story was new to me, it interested me very
much. Since hearing it from Vern I have heard other versions.
Witch Hecate seems to be quite the sorceress in the vally.
( Vern has never been to find her, but some friends did, he
related the story to me.
There was an old woman named Hecate l~ving in a nunnery
up Spring Hollow. She had some hounds, one night the hounds
turned on her and killed her.
To this day when the hounds hear the name Hecate ~hey begin
to HoYI and Howl until dawn.
If you are to go up to spring hollow and call for Witch
Hecate, you can hear the dogs howl.
Vern told me of his friends encounter with the howling. There
yere tyO guys that went "to check out the tales. After ~etting to
the t~p of the picnic are~ ~nd yaitin~ for the sun to set, they
began to call Witch Hecate. At first there was no reply, so .,
they called lowder and loudpr. Finally in the distance they
could hear something. The sound got louder and louder until
L :{, /, /,;(. I ~~
they were sure it was the sound of dogs. They sat and listened
for awhile, the howling got closer and closer, by this time
they knew the ~ogs were very close and must have been very
large dogs.
Both of them set new speed records for running down out
of Spri~g Hollow and driving out of Logan Canyon. Neither one
has any desire to return.
Lonnie Allen
HyruM, Utah
Intra. ta Folklore
Fall 1981
Michael Carlisle
Logan, Utah 84321
Legend: "St. Ann's Retreat"
Michael Carlisle is my son. He was born in Brigham City, Utah, December 17,
1961. We moved to Logan when he was four years old and he received a
High School education in the Logan City School District. Presently he
is employed at Morton-Thiokol Chemical Company, is married and has a
baby boy.
Contextual Data: Michael heard this story while attending Logan High.
He and his friend Scott would double date and sometimes take their dates
up Logan Canyon and park at the site of St. Ann's Retreat. To frighten
their dates and perhaps encourage a little cuddling they would tell the
girls this story.
Text: Hedika was the head nun of St. Ann's Retreat, which was a nunnery.
It was her responsibility to keep things running smoothly. Sometimes
groups of miners and sheepherders would travel through and associate with
the nuns. Any babies that were born, Hedika would dispose of. She got
so sick of this terrible duty, and so aggravated with the misbehavior of
her sister nuns that she went crazy and killed all the nuns also. Then
she lived alone in the nunnery with a large group of dogs until she died.
Now when people drive down the canyon at night,sometimes they will see her
large pack of wild dogs standing beside the highway, with their eyes reflecting
in the headlights. Those who are brave enough to park at night near the
nunnery will hear the wild dogs howling and Hedika's voice mourning and
I asked Michael if he believed the story. He told me the
he did believe was that it was a nunnery. I asked him if
on the girls--if they wanted to cuddle after hearing it.
"It depended upon how much they liked us."
only part that
the story worked
He replied,
Colleen Carlisle
Logan, Utah
Utah State University
English 459
Spring, 1984
- -
( )
I (
Urban Legend
Informant Data:
~I J
Troy Anderson
Providence, Utah
Summer 1978
Troy Anderson was born March 23, 1966 in Logan, Utah.
His family moved away shortly after. They moved back to Cache
Valley when Troy was in the Fourth Grade. He was not a member
of the Mormon Church but became acquainted with their teachings.
Contextual data:
While sleeping-out in the back yard of a friend's, the
conversation turned to ghost stories. The story I am about
to tell was told to me and one other, by a friend.
If you go up Logan Canyon to 3rd dam and cross the bridge
-k L~
into the Spring Hollow area or go the Q,Yarry up Providence
Canyon, you can summon the Devil's wife, her name is Heckada.
My friends's brother's girlfriend's brother had a friend
that did this very thing. He and a date went up to the Spring
Hollow area, for some romancing. After being turned down he
got out of the car and yelled the phrase "Heckada, come get me".
this was the saying that you needed to say to get Heckada to
appear. After saying it a few times he returned to the car.
His date was scared, which was his main intention for doing
the little prank, or so he thought.
After a few minutes of sitting there they began to hear
dogs barking, they looked up and saw a green glowing chariot
L). ,/' J ~. I . ~ Lj
pulled by six wolves, and a mistress with long flowing hair
at the reins.
At about the same instance the doors locked, the boy and
date was pretty scared by this time so the boy tried to get the
car started but it seemed like the battery was dead, nothing
would start or no lights would come on. By this time the wolves
were on the hood of the car clawing at it and growling. The
mistress stared into the boy's eyes and said "I have come for
you" . The boy freaked out and didn't know what to do, the girl
was screaming and crying. Then the boy remembered to say "In
the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave", at the very
instance of saying that, the mistress and her wolves dissappe2 r ed.
The boy then started the car and returned to Logan.
Upon returning to his date's house they looked at the hood
and saw scratches that the wolves had left.
Troy Anderson
Providence, Utah 84332
Utah State University
Engl/Hist 124
Winter Quarter 1987
Comments: The underlying meaning is that the boy is being agressive, and the
girl is refusing, just like society wants to see and hear it. This refusal frustratesl
the boy, which in turn makes him bring terrible things upon him and the girl. And
at the end of the story there will be a negative image 0n sex, so it is not quite so
attractive the next time.
L:(. /, I~. /. t.j
"Witch Hackety"
Logan, Utah
January , 1983
I was born and raised in Idaho on a farm in a community
called Egin . I lived near my grandparents who were of
Scandinavian and Eng~ish ancestory . They waRd often tell stories
to me and all their grandchildren whenever we were with them .
This built a love in me to hear stories and I became fond of
history and folklore .
I am now attending U. S. U., majoring in Elementary Education
with a minor in Social Studies . Several quarters back , I took a
storytelling class . We often told stories to each other and it
was in t his class that one of the students , Polly Baugh from
Smithfield, related this story . She made the atmosphere in the
room very eerie--lights out and a candle burning , etc . I will
retell the story to the best of my memory .
There is a particular canyon near Preston where an old
Catholic monast~ry can be found . It was abandoned after a
particular event had taken place there .
During the summer time , many nuns would go up to the
monastery for a break or for workshops or other reasons . This
one time there was a nun who was quite contanckerous . She was
really against one nun and was always arguing wi th her , backbiting
, or fighting .
Outside one building was a cement swimming pool . (I think
it was either the mess hall or the sleeping quarters!) One
night these two nuns started arguing and wrestling around the
pool . The nicer of the two accidentally pushed the mean one
into the pool and she hit her head on the bottom of the pool
which killed her . This really scared the one nun and she ran
and got the Mother Superior . They didn ' t want to raise a fuss
in the camp and so the two of them hauled her body up the
canyon in the early morning hours and dropped her body over the
edge of some cliffs . No one really missed this nun because no
one really associated with her . They figured she had just got
discusted and left the camp .
The next night after the drowning , the one nun couldn ' t
sleep very well . The wind was blowing and something kept
banging at her door . She finally got up and looked out and
near the pool she could see this mean nun and she had two mean
dogs on a leash whose eyes were burning green and the nun looked
like a witch with red eyes . She started laughing at the nun
which scared her all the more . It was a very wicked laugh at that .
The dogs were barking and snarling with foam at their mouths .
When the nun looked out again , they were gone .
This happened several nights in a row. Sometimes they would
also see this image with a lantern walking along the cliff~s
edge where the body had been thrown .
One night the wind started blowing really hard again and
there was a slight rain . Again the nun could hear things banging
on her door . She looked out and saw this mean nun with her
dogs . As she laughed uncontrolably , she took the lantern she was
holding and flung it at the building . The lantern broke and burst
into flames . The fire got out of control due to the wind .
1-.~. I, /;l,. I. ;)S'
Due to the damage of the fire and other circumstances , i t was
decided that the monastBry would be closed down . It hasn ' t
been opened since .
Since that time , it has been a fa vorite spot for many
teenages to go to and scare each other to death . One night
Polly and a bunch of her friends decided to drive up the
canyon and take a look at the place . They had two cars and a
When they arrived , they were all brave souls and got out
wi t h their flashlights (it was after dark ), and started
walking towards the buildings yelling "Witch Rackety , Witch
Rackety!" Suddenly the lights on their cars and pickup went
out . This really scared them and so they -' started running
back to the outfits . (They had parked them where the dtrt road
had ended .) They worked on all of them trying to get the lights
to go back on . One of them turned on and then they finally got
another pair of lights to go on after working on it for what
seemed a long time . They never could get the pickup lights to
go back on . They decided to drive out of there (fast) with the
pickup between the two cars that had lights on them that worked .
When they finally got back to the main highway , mysteriously the
pickup lights autimatically turned back on .
Trudy Neilson
ID 83445
Logan , Vt . 84321
St . Anthony ,
Rist . 423 , U. S. U.
Winter 1983
Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections and Archives, FOLK COLL 8a
Reproduction for publication, exhibition, web display or commercial use is only permissible with the consent of the USU Libraries Special Collections and Archives, phone (435) 797-2663.
USU student folklore genre collection of supernatural nonreligious legends, 1960-2011 FOLK COLL 8a
St. Anne's Retreat
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