I Remember When . . . : Memories and Moments in Mendon, Utah



Memories shape and bind a community together, like in the city of Mendon, which holds a special place in the hearts of those fortunate enough to call it home. I Remember When . . . : Memories and Moments in Mendon, Utah utilizes materials housed in the Merrill-Cazier Library Special Collections & Archives—including interviews from current and past Mendon residents and materials loaned by residents—which recall legends, childhood memories, celebrations, and other aspects of Mendon’s vibrant history. Today, Mendon is an all-American small town with a strong connection to the land and deep ties to the historic Mormon settlement of the area. As we look at the residents and history, we have the opportunity of glimpsing what it is like to live there.

Because we are looking at what makes Mendon unique with a focus on the individuals who have lived there, the exhibit pages are grouped thematically. Town memories cannot always be neatly arranged by events on timelines, but rather they are created through these relationships and memories.

Please note that stories and information extracted from documents and other sources reflect the views of the times and the area from which they’ve been taken. The terms used and stories quoted are presented as they were told by the authors and interviewees. Quotes have been taken from interviews for this project, past interviews done by others, and responses to a Qualtrics survey.

Credit to helpers, creators, and donors:  

  • Bethany Budge, Exhibit Curator
  • Randy Williams, Exhibit Advisor
  • Paul Willie, Exhibit Support
  • Patti Timbimboo-Madsen, Exhibit Support
  • Paula Watkins, Exhibit Support
  • Randall Olsen, Exhibit Support
  • Richard Watkins, Exhibit Support 
  • Shelley Jones, Exhibit Researcher and Editor
  • Nicholas Wallace, Video and Audio Editor
  • Darcy Pumphrey, Digital Project Coordinator
  • Alison Gardner, Digital Initiatives Assistant
  • Robert Parson, Reviewer
  • Shay Larsen, Graphic Designer
  • Spencer DeVilbiss, Digital Technician
  • James Mullen, Student Scanning Technician
  • Maren Stephens, Student Scanning Technician 
  • Megan Wilson, Student Scanning Technician
  • Abby Thorne, Copy Editor